
  1. Lostcontroll

    Sexual intrusive thoughts about others while in a relationship

    Hey, I've been heavily addicted to porn for 7-8 years, especially BDSM. In January, I told my girlfriend everything (including that I had been chatting with other men as their slave and sent them some stuff about myself). We've been fighting together, and I've been porn-free since then. Until...
  2. Pearl7

    My father is drinking again

    He used to drink for almost 20 years, when God made a miracle. Lots of people were praying and fasting for him to stop, and he suddenly had a health problem and was told to stop drinking or he will die. His liver was very damaged, he then for 6 years didn't drink. The change was great but he...
  3. Pearl7

    My father and sister are narcissists

    I have a huge dilemma about how to live a normal life. My father used to be dependent on alcohol and for the longest time we've thought that was the only problem. He is mentally abusive and a tyrant in my family. My mom used to fight back in the beginning, but in the last 15 years she mostly...
  4. Heartofsilver

    Friendship Issues/Random Unwanted Drama

    Hello everyone, This past spring break had unexpected trouble come my way with a good friend of mine named G. The issues started last summer when I opened up to her about my break up with my former boyfriend after she asked me why I left him. We were all mutual friends, so I told her in detail...
  5. Heartofsilver

    Problems at University

    Hello everyone, I have a few disorders that effect my daily life and anxiety is one of them. I also have ADHD and OCD, I take natural supplements for them, since I felt God Calling me off of Pharmaceuticals from various sources even directly from Him of the mind. I was also having bad side...
  6. Heartofsilver

    New manager

    Hello everyone, We have a new night manager who has come up in the ranks over the years. I wasn't having any issues with him last year when he was just working with the night crew stocking the store. Now that he has become more of a night manager in the store he, unfortunately; doesn't...
  7. Dad with hope


    Hello people of god, I am a 34y/o father of one and a step father of four. I have an incredible fiance, she is actually the woman I fell in love with because I saw in here the qualities I have always wanted in a woman. I just am looking to find a way, to help her understand that her daughter...
  8. MorkandMindy

    televised debates are pointless

    people kinda get an impression, of maybe what they want... A person needs to determine the answer to the right question Not just take what the PR experts told the candidates to say to gain the most supporters and avoid offending anyone So what is / are the key questions?
  9. Q

    Going through family issues

    Hi everyone, I've been feeling alone lately because I haven't really talked about this issue with anyone and it is driving me crazy inside. So here's the story: My husband and I moved in with his mother due to financial issues (We no longer live there). I didn't even know her that well so it...