god's law

  1. BobRyan

    Three Questions about God's Law

    Are God's Ten Commandments good or bad for mankind? If good -- then what day of the week does the Sabbath Commandment of Ex 20:8-11 refer to ? Why is Sunday often kept instead of the 7th day of the week? ====================================== Ex 20:10 "The seventh day is the Sabbath of the...
  2. JM

    Post-Mil Only Don't limit the Gospel

    The Gospel is good news, we should act like it and take that Gospel into the world and change the world by the preaching of the Gospel. The only way to change hearts and minds, the only way to change society is by God working through the preaching of His word. Don't limit the Gospel to...
  3. Unofficial Reverand Alex

    How Far Can 1 Act Of Kindness Reach?

    Depends on how far we carry it. Evil spreads so fast, it seems; love? Not so much. Pray to be better carriers of good than evil, sharing stories of good acts rather than stories of wickedness. Stop reading news stories about shootings & hatred; that only spreads Satan's sick reign. Share...
  4. Mark Corbett

    Love in Romans

    While I was teaching at a Bible college in Indonesia, I had the incredible blessing of teaching a class on Romans. This gave me the opportunity to study the book of Romans in depth. One of the ways I studied Romans was to study key words used throughout the book. This led to an insight about...