
  1. AlexB23

    France reclaims world record after baking baguette measuring 140.53m (461 ft)

    Oh, those Frenchies enjoy baking baguettes. In France, a nearly 141 meter (461 ft) long baguette was baked, entering the Guinness World Record. The bread was cut up, and divided out to the city and folks living on the streets of Suresnes...
  2. J

    what is the Lutheran view of who the Restrainer is ?

    An interesting historical tidbit, is that the Confederation of the Rhine fought alongside Napoleon while Prussia fought alongside Russia. The Old Lutherans were Prussian, I wonder how they thought about this conflict in there mind with 2 Thessalonians in mind at the time (it was closer to their...
  3. JustSomeBloke

    France starts deactivating the vaccine passports of 4 million double vaccinated people

    France Deactivates 4 Million Vaccine Passports, Forcing Double-Jabbed Citizens to Decide Between Taking the Booster or Being Shunned From Society This past week, the French Government began deactivating the vaccine passports of nearly four million double-vaxxed citizens because they still have...
  4. Vanellus

    French reaction to US coverage of murder of Samuel Paty

    (Liberation idees) Derniers indicateurs inversés, mais pas les moindres, j’ai nommé le New York Times et le Washington Post. Ces organes de la bien-pensance américaine peinent à prendre la mesure de la symbolique du meurtre de l’enseignant de Conflans. Une fois encore, ils manifestent leur souci...
  5. MorkandMindy

    What is Right Wing and what is Left Wing

    I think the historical development of the terms is a good way to get to present day usage. Right Wing and Left Wing derive from where representatives sat in the Assemblée nationale in Paris; to the Right or Left viewed from the President's seat. The Right Wing representatives favored a plan...
  6. Quid est Veritas?

    Starving to death those with low prognosis - a Case in France.

    Life support fight over paralysed Frenchman to end There is a man in France, a tetraplegic called Vincent Lambert, who is set to die this week. He was involved in a motorcycle accident in 2008, and has had a low-level of intellectual function since (opening eyes, responding to pain, that kind...
  7. Arbown

    Civil war in France. German about to start their own.

    'Civil War' in France as Yellow Jackets Drive Fury at Macron Abraham Ekris ❌ on Twitter HookTube There are tons of reports from individuals around the web that this is not a riot, but civil war. There's a media blackout stateside, but this start 2 days ago. FYI.
  8. SummerMadness

    France's World Cup win is a victory for immigrants everywhere

    France's World Cup win is a victory for immigrants everywhere Africans: We're supporting France cause they're just another African Team. Ians of the World: Haha, no they're not! French National Team: Music Credit: DJ Marechal - Seka Seka
  9. E

    Clovis and Remi: Quote Check

    Good day, I wonder if anyone can help me. I am seeking the historical source of a quote. The quote is supposedly from St Remi, also known as Remigius, who uttered the following statement, actually a prophecy, over Clovis, first Christian king of the Franks, in 498AD. However, I have not been...
  10. E

    A plea to help growing ministries for the Maghrebi (North African) population in Europe and at home

    Hello Brothers, Sisters and Friends in Christ, I wanted to forward along this message from a member of my own flock and a good friend to all of us in our church in Nice, France: an active and energetic former Muslim and convert of North African origin, named Alexandre. Peace, great blessings and...
  11. SummerMadness

    Macron wins French presidency by decisive margin over Le Pen

    Macron wins French presidency by decisive margin over Le Pen
  12. Warden_of_the_Storm

    French soldier shoots attacker outside Louvre

    French soldier shoots attack outside Louvre.
  13. Sophia89

    Seems like UOC-KP has "exarchates" around the world...

    Yesterday I came across an article from which I've learned of existence of the "Orthodox Diocese of Paris and All France" in the so-called Ukrainian Orthodox Church – Kievan Patriarchate (UOC-KP). And it seems like UOC-KP appeared to have much more unknown things for me in behind. For example...
  14. Quid est Veritas?

    The Visions of Joan of Arc

    A peasant girl being led by God to free France from English rule. It is a powerful narrative. But how trustworthy is it? She claimed to have received visions from Catherine of Alexandria, Margaret of Antioch and Michael the Archangel. Margaret is supposed to have died under Diocletian after...
  15. Quid est Veritas?

    France Priest killing response Nice to see some Christian symbolism about. Sad it came at such a price. The blood of the Martyrs are the seeds of the Church.
  16. Quid est Veritas?

    Social Media Christian themes following Church attack in France Nice to see for a change, although following an awful event. A Martyrdom indeed.
  17. TaylorSexton

    Pray for France

    Dear Brothers and Sisters, Please be in prayer for the unfolding terrorist aftermath in France. The death toll is now 80 and rising.