church planting

  1. EnriqueNye

    Is it wise for a founding pastor to leave a young church?

    There's a church in my area that I attended for a couple of years early in my faith. I left not over sin issues or arguments, but needing to make things right and needing accountability. I know several people who attend there still, and just recently, the founding pastor at the church, the lead...
  2. EnriqueNye

    Church Planting Issues

    Hello all! Sorry for the long post, you can keep scrolling if it's too much. I'm writing today to ask for advice on how I should go about planting a church. Just to give some backstory, I have been feeling the call to ministry for several years now, and only recently felt confident in it...
  3. TCB Christian

    Capturing a Town For Christ [Evangelism]

    Hey guys, I just finished a book review on what i'd like to call a 'hidden treasure'. It's a book by Jerry Falwell & Elmer Towns that was published in 1972. Almost 20 years before I was even born! It definitely has some really good nuggets of information and a great read for inspiration...
  4. Tsquared

    Church Planting Question

    Praise the Lord everyone, I hope you are all doing well and keeping safe during these times. The reason why I am posting this thread is to get some ideas for church planting. I am a younger minister and my wife and I have not planted a church before. Where we live is a rural/remote community...
  5. HatGuy

    Does God change depending on circumstances (or, are prophecies contingent?)

    Hi everyone, does God's will for us change if circumstances change? Scenario: God seems to place on someone's heart (mine) to plant a church in Philadelphia (would involve immigrating). Several prophecies and words confirm this for my wife and I. They all seem quite specific and come from some...
  6. Andrew Thurbush

    Start a Church Using New Methods

    Hi, Over the past few months I have been putting some details together to possible launch a church in the near future. Most of the details have been your average, interest meetings/preview services to get started. But the other night I had an Idea.. What if we host a series of church events in...
  7. HatGuy

    Planting a church in Philly

    Hi everyone, Two things. Firstly, I wonder if a 'church planting' forum might not be a bad idea? ;) Secondly, I was wondering if there was anyone from Philadelphia here. My wife and I are thinking of planting a church there. We are not from America but would need to immigrate from South...