
  1. AlexB23

    The Xa'na Race of Xanadu

    Alright, so this is not really a story yet, but I have this fictional alien race named the Xa'na that live on planet Xanadu that I am using for the basis of multiple short stories. The Xa'na are grey skinned humanoids with a similar appearance to humans, but with rougher facial features. These...
  2. AetheriusLamia

    Please refute the conclusion that Judaism&Christianity are better explained by ancient aliens than Creator God.

    How would you refute this argument? Would you share resources online or citations for further study? All the history and miracles in the Christian Bible (including Hebrew Scriptures, both Old and New Testament) can be explained by aliens with advanced technology who deceived humans, rather than...
  3. BobRyan

    Prof Gary Nolan - Scientist , Inventor, UFO Advocate?

    Gary Nolan apparently has some impressive credentials Prof Gary Nolan at SALT in Q&A Claims the U.S government is coming to him for answers on UFO/UAP/Artifact questions. Insists Aliens are here.
  4. BobRyan

    UFOs: What do Christians say about aliens - What does the Bible say?

    In the article below -- Angels are listed as a class of alien life... intelligent life that is not God and that did not originate from Earth What Can the Bible Tell Us about Mysteries Like Aliens and UFOs?. Here is a Baptist news webite looking at the same question With all this talk of UFOs...
  5. mindlight

    Did God create aliens?

    We know that there are angels and animals as well as humans. But do you believe and can you demonstrate that God created aliens in his enormous act of creation. If the universe is magnificent desolation except for earth, why all that wasted space and effort? Are we meant to fill it ourselves?
  6. Warden_of_the_Storm

    Extraterrestrial life: A Poll

    I know that considering the date some people might get sick of polls, but the whole discussion of alien life out there really has brought up something I think kind of needs to be discussed by itself: when someone refers to alien/extraterrestrial life, what exactly are we meaning? Now, obviously...
  7. S

    Reptilian Shapeshifter Compilation - Our Alien Rulers

    This post was written by Christian Alexei Kunimi. I am not him, but I want to help to raise awareness of this most important subject, which has been suppressed, trivialized and muddied by disinformation. We are being controlled by an alien race, a highly-advanced draconian species that's able...
  8. createdtoworship

    Former famous Occultist (new ager) has powerful conversion to Christianity

    Here is his testimony on His own youtube channel:
  9. A

    How Should I Feel About Aliens?

    I know this is somewhat of a dumb question, but I'm fairly new to the faith and I'm still figuring things out. My question is; how should I feel about reading/writing/watching works with aliens in them? Does entertaining the thought of another species with an advanced society insult God? I mean...
  10. BobRyan

    Did we discover alien technology in 2017?

    Found this recently -- from : It Might Be Aliens. But We Have No Idea What to Do About It. Jan 17 2019 "Abraham Loeb, chair of Harvard’s department of astronomy, recently gave a freewheeling interview to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz in which he defended his hypothesis that a piece of alien...
  11. Canada90

    What do you think about UFO?

    What do you think its? I am a born again christian and since I found faith I didn't believed in this things,but in 2006 summer I first time witnessed this experience. Where me and my brother seen 7 lights it was still very light only 6 evening ,no clouds,no stars or near airport. My brother said...
  12. Matisyahu8898

    Possibility of Aliens even with Christian Theology

    So, I had a discussion recently with someone who believed that aliens probably exist on other planets. After talking to them for a while longer, I understood that they were a Christian, so I tried to use biblical arguments to shoot this down, since I don't believe aliens exist. I realized that...
  13. Rion

    John Podesta on 'Ancient Aliens': Hillary Clinton would have declassified UFO information

    John Podesta on 'Ancient Aliens': Hillary Clinton would have declassified UFO information PODESTA: The system of regulation that creates our secrecy system — what's top secret, what's confidential, these lower levels of classification — that's regulated and has been since the Truman...
  14. Winter_Rose

    Are we alone in the Universe? Could there be life on other planets?

    This question has puzzled mankind for centuries and I bet most of us have looked up at the night sky and thought "Could there be other civilizations on other worlds like ours?" What are your thoughts on this subject? P.S. This thread is for a bit of fun, please don't get too serious or have...
  15. BobRyan

    Exoplanets , Exo-worlds - "destroy Christianity?" really?

    Many today who express great interest in exo-planets that give hope of exo-world and intelligent life.... claim that this will utterly destroy Christianity once the truth of it is more fully known. NASA says it's "mission" is to find an exo-world that humans can live on. 7 planets in the...
  16. Guide To The Bible

    Satan's End Times Alien Deception

    Very soon Satan himself will appear on Earth looking just like Jesus but he will claim to be Isa, the Muslim name for Jesus and will have superior technology that people will assume is of extraterrestrial origin. He will say the Muslims are right and the Christians are wrong. Most Christian's...
  17. LastSeven

    New X-Files Series & Transhumanism

    I've been watching the new X-Files series because I loved the original, but this one feels very different to me. I don't know if it's because I'm more in tune with this kind of stuff than I was back then or if it really is different, so I'd like to get some thoughts on this. First of all...