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  1. Macrina

    Glenn Beck: Leave Churches That Preach Social Justice...

    There's a coffee shop in my town which serves only fair trade coffee and donates all its profits to needy children around the world. It is a nonprofit ministry run by a local church. I guess Beck wouldn't like that church very much: They not only preach social justice, they practice it, too...
  2. Macrina

    Glenn Beck: Leave Churches That Preach Social Justice...

    When I first heard of this, I wondered if Beck was referring to the fact that when some people speak of "social justice," they seem to be referring primarily to gay-rights issues. However, from the link in the OP, it seems that Beck's objection is more on the economic front -- he also mentions...
  3. Macrina

    UK Cleric to Women: 'Submit to Your Husbands'

    Actually, the Hebrew word in no way means a subservient sort of helper. It often refers to a stronger military ally helping a weaker one. Most often, the Bible uses the word to refer to God himself. The usage of this word works against the argument that man's authority over woman is "from...
  4. Macrina

    Birther control

    Well, I for one am not objecting to the desire to see the birth certificate; I'm objecting to repeated demands for it to be produced when it already has been produced. I object to misinformation, accusation, and ignoring easily-verifiable facts.
  5. Macrina

    New Missile Defense Agency logo takes a cue from Obama campaign logo?

    No, and I have a hunch the designer thought the same thing.
  6. Macrina

    The left-wing media's latest attempt to marginalize the Constitution

    I was just reflecting on the general state of political discourse in this country. Such animosity.
  7. Macrina

    Health Care Summit

    I think there's a lot of agreement that something needs to be done -- it's the what and how that's causing so much consternation. What reform, in your view, would be within the federal government's powers? Where do you draw the line at what it is allowed to do and not? (I know for many, the...
  8. Macrina

    Health Care Summit

    I'm posting while sleep-deprived and sick (probably not a wise idea), so I apologize if I'm not being clear. The gist of what I'm attempting to say (badly, I admit) is that if the government seeks to promote the general welfare, then it ought to pay attention to a problem which kills thousands...
  9. Macrina

    Cold medicines contributed to Brittany Murphy's death, coroner says

    That is so sad, and a reminder that OTC drugs are still potent chemicals. I'm glad that this information is out, though, because there were all the "drug abuse" rumors going around, and I'm sure her family and friends didn't appreciate that.
  10. Macrina

    Health Care Summit

    No, I'm not freaking kidding you. I think it's valuable to look at the principles behind the rights that are explicitly protected, and decide if it's logical to also protect other rights. When American citizens are dying, it's worth taking notice and looking at the issue from varying angles...
  11. Macrina

    Health Care Summit

    Ah. And the right to survival via adequate medical care is not. Way to promote the general welfare.
  12. Macrina

    The left-wing media's latest attempt to marginalize the Constitution

    Help me get this straight... the debate over health care is leading to threats of secession?
  13. Macrina

    Health Care Summit

    [emphasis mine] You know, that's an excellent point. I'd like to hear answers to that question.
  14. Macrina

    Obama Admits He is a Muslim

    Setting aside the fact that Obama isn't a Muslim (everyone remember the criticism of his Christian pastor?): So what? What if we did have a Muslim president? I might vote for a candidate of the Islamic faith if I thought s/he were the right person for the job. Being a Muslim doesn't mean...
  15. Macrina

    Are There Any Online Universities That Teach Biblical Greek And Hebrew/Aramaic?

    While not a substitute for in-person classes, I recommend It has online courses by Bill Mounce, who is the author of a great Greek grammar. He also has the Teknia website, with helpful materials for both Greek and Hebrew. If you can get anything in-person in a classroom...
  16. Macrina

    Teach Your Children Well or Someone Else Will

    In my experience, academic liberalism isn't nearly as scary as it's made out to be sometimes. I've been to schools where people warned me against losing my faith because they were so godless and horrible... and strangely enough, my faith came out stronger after my education than before. I do...
  17. Macrina

    UK Cleric to Women: 'Submit to Your Husbands'

    Understood correctly, Paul's writings actually lift women up. They are misused when they are forced to defend a hierarchical system.
  18. Macrina

    Friend getting ordained online (WCM)

    Most denominations in the US require some kind of Bible college and/or seminary training. My denomination requires 7 years of school with particular academic requirements, and passing a group of tests (as well as other requirements which involve the testing of the call by the faith community...
  19. Macrina

    The greek word "charis"

    Hello Known, I just checked a couple Greek lexicons for you, one of which (the unabridged Kittel) has a massive entry on the word. I don't see anything which would indicate that this would have been a connotation in the mind of Paul's first readers. Much of the material I saw dealt with...
  20. Macrina

    Democrats extend the Patriot act

    I think you're reading a lot into this thread. Before you brought Bush into it, people were just expressing disappointment in the Democrats for continuing the Patriot Act. I'd be hard-pressed to call that partisan-hackery, especially since many (most?) of these posters are non-Republicans.