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  1. Nagomirov

    What gift of God did Timothy have?

    By the way, Martin Chemnitz is a Lutheran theologian of the 16th century, when he writes about Lutheran ordination, he writes that prayer is performed so that God, "By His Holy Spirit, grace and blessing, may abide in this ministry." That is, it can be considered that Lutheran ordination...
  2. Nagomirov

    What gift of God did Timothy have?

    Lutheran Pastor Dmitry Rozet: 1 Timothy 4:14 does not speak of any "gift of the priesthood." The literal translation of this verse looks like this: "Do not neglect the spiritual gift (charismathos) that is in you, which was given according to prophecy with the laying on of the hands of the...
  3. Nagomirov

    What gift of God did Timothy have?

    Theophylact of Bulgaria (~1078−~1107): "Here the apostle speaks about the gift of teaching".
  4. Nagomirov

    What gift of God did Timothy have?

    So, this is not ordination to the priesthood or bishops, but the transfer of the gifts of the gifts of the Holy Spirit? For example, the transfer of teaching gifts, the transfer of gifts for apostolic ministry, for serving as a teacher. Is this somehow combined with the interpretation of...
  5. Nagomirov

    What gift of God did Timothy have?

    And in the case of Barnabas and Paul, when hands were laid on them, what was it?
  6. Nagomirov

    What gift of God did Timothy have?

    Paul refers to the gift of spirit that Timothy had in both I and II Timothy. KJV 2 Timothy 1:6 Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands. What gift did Timothy have? It was given by Laying on of Hands (Paul's hands by...
  7. Nagomirov

    Question: Does the Catholic Church teach the possibility of achieving dispassion in this life?

    Is it possible, according to the Catholic faith, to achieve complete sanctification in this life, the absence of passions?
  8. Nagomirov

    Question: Does the Catholic Church teach the possibility of achieving dispassion in this life?

    Can a believer, at the very heights of holiness, achieve dispassion? What does the Catholic Church say about this?
  9. Nagomirov

    Is Sola Scriptura Self-refuting?

    Have you learned the point of view of Greek Orthodoxy and the Ancient Eastern Churches?
  10. Nagomirov

    Putin Warns The West That Russia Is Ready For Nuclear War

    Russia is not waging war in Ukraine, otherwise it would be carpet bombing, but there are none. If Russia had waged war, then everything would have been erased to zero. Russia will introduce a special military operation, it is conducting it with soft methods, gently. If Ukraine, under Zelensky...
  11. Nagomirov

    Putin Warns The West That Russia Is Ready For Nuclear War

    Russia has not only nuclear weapons, but also multi-ton FAB 9000 aerial bombs. It is considered the most powerful non-nuclear bomb. There are also smaller ones: FAB 5000, FAB 3000, FAB 1500. Russia has neutron weapons. Russia has the ODAB-9000 (also known as the "High-power Aviation Vacuum...
  12. Nagomirov

    An Introduction to Theosis (w/ Jay Dyer)

    Hold up, did someone say we become GOD?? If you're like me, the first time you heard this, you were a bit concerned. As an evangelical, the concept of theosis can seem more than a bit foreign. In this video with Orthodox apologist Jay Dyer, we talk about what theosis is (and isn't) and in doing...
  13. Nagomirov

    How do you Ubi Petrus?

    Do you know about him? The American apologist Ubi Petrus is widely known among the English-speaking Orthodox as a polemicist against Roman Catholicism
  14. Nagomirov

    Why aren't American believers protesting

    No one forces you to follow faith. I'm just writing that our society is very conservative and traditional. We have a patriarchal society, family values.
  15. Nagomirov

    Why aren't American believers protesting

    Call sin a sin, denounce sin, condemn sin. Look at how many of your fellow citizens are tolerant.
  16. Nagomirov

    Why aren't American believers protesting

    Call sin sin, denounce sin, condemn sin. Look how many of your fellow citizens are tolerant.
  17. Nagomirov

    Why aren't American believers protesting

    Называть грех грехом, обличать грех, порицать грех. Посмотрите, сколько ваших сограждан толерантны.