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  1. Shemiyah

    Betrayed with a Kiss

    Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. (John 15:13) The fear of being betrayed will hold you back from laying your life down for your friends. Unless a seed falls to the ground and dies (lays down his life) it remains alone (no friends), but if it...
  2. Shemiyah

    You can't be saved by works

    So what do you think He meant in John 8:51, and John 14:21. Did he want you to do that, or Him? If you did keep His word, would it be Him keeping His word and not you? Would it be Him loving, and not you? Would it be His obedience, and not yours? What then of Acts 5:32? Do they obey Him...
  3. Shemiyah

    Don't Put Your Trust in Humans

    Seemingly you are misapplying those verses - if all human beings were unworthy of faith and trust, I guess you would have to just mark out Ephesians 5:21, or Hebrews 13:17, or Eph 6:1, or Collosians 3:20, or John 13:34-35, 1 Pet 1:22, or Eph 5:22 out of your Bible...... It must not be that...
  4. Shemiyah

    You can't be saved by works

    It says that He gives His Holy Spirit to those who obey Him (Acts 5:32) And that we are saved FOR good works (Eph 2:10) The rich young ruler said what must I DO to have eternal life, and the response was, "Just believe, you can't DO anything." Right? No the response was, keep the...
  5. Shemiyah

    A Question About Signs and Wonders

    1 Cor 9:2 If to others I am not an apostle, at least I am to you, for you are the seal of my apostleship in the Lord. NIV Even though I may not be an apostle to ... Even then people argued about who was and was not an apostle. The proof of an apostle is not only that they are sent (apostle...
  6. Shemiyah

    A Question About Signs and Wonders

    1 Cor 12:28 - God has appointed in the church first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then those who perform miracles, those who have gifts of healing....... These are sequetial, first, second, third, then, then, then........ If you don't have apostles, you don't have a...
  7. Shemiyah

    Question about parenting

    Well...... Full means you can't eat more..... So if they are full..... don't give them desert. ;) Really, any parent who eats meals with their children often enough have a good sense of what their child can eat. It's a God-Given Hunch.
  8. Shemiyah

    Loving your fellow christian and neighbour, the hardest job

    What about John 13:34-35. Love one another AS I have loved you. "AS" means in the same manner. Would he say to do this if it were not possible? "By this the whole world will know you are my disciples, if you love one another." So currently the whole world does not know we are his...
  9. Shemiyah

    Why few christian meet Jesus like Paul did on the road to Damascus

    Perhaps He is waiting for those who can recognize and submit to one another as in Eph 5:21. These are those who can confess and discern the body of messiah.
  10. Shemiyah

    One Thing You Lack

    It seems there is a contrast of response. The rich young ruler walked away sad at the cost of loving Him with all of his heart. (Mt 19:22). Those who gladly received their word were baptized...(Acts2:41). and vs 44 All who believed were together and had all things in common. The response of...
  11. Shemiyah

    Kid's Corporal Punishment - a Risk to Mental Health

    Would you rather be a son or an illegitmate accident? I think the KJV puts it more clearly..... There are so many fatherless children growing up now with a confused view of love. Whomever He hates he disciplines, right? No, it is whomever He loves he disciplines. So some people just love...
  12. Shemiyah

    ‘If We Don’t Take a Stand Now’ against Hostility, the Church Could Become ‘Voiceless,’ Pastor Warns

    I wonder if some people forget about the conscience. For example, no one needs to read the bible to know that they should treat their fellow man with mutual respect. This is natural law. It is common to all men to know they should do that. Whether they do it or not is another matter, and...