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  1. G

    Is it true that if there was no real suffering there would be no meaning at all?

    Nothing that I know of, in the Bible, in orthodox theology, or in philosophy suggests that without suffering there would be no meaning. OTOH, there's nothing that clearly established that it would be possible for a world -- with sentient beings with actual agency -- could meaningfully exist...
  2. G

    Gen Z and millennial women are waking up to the lies feminists fed them. Now they are upset and alone

    You may want to update your link, which no longer works. This one may do: I'm 38 and single, and I recently realized I want a child. I'm terrified I've missed my opportunity. But the pattern she describes is one we are seeing in some of the younger people (22 - 40) that are at our Sunday...
  3. G

    Advice for Christians who have some incurable disease

    Perhaps you do see it that way. But isn't it more relevant how Christ, or even the Apostle Paul saw it? . John quotes Christ as telling his disciples that "in this life, you will have trouble"; Paul explains patiently that God had refused to heal him, in spite of Paul's repeated requests; and...
  4. G

    Advice for Christians who have some incurable disease

    That's a common view among pagans, but I thought this was a forum for Christians. Perhaps you can explain your thinking, and the biblical reasons for it, a bit further?
  5. G

    Advice for Christians who have some incurable disease

    All Christians are born with an incurable and fatal disease: aging. When you are young, it's easy to put that out of your mind . . . even though the Bible warns you not to do so (ie, Mt 10:28: do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both...