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  1. AlexB23

    Nahum Lays it On with Nineveh

    I know Jonah got eaten by a whale, and that's all I know.
  2. AlexB23

    The Rainbow Illusion

    A protestant pastor said the same thing. The pride month stuff is toxic. I remember June being a nice month as well as a kid in the 2000s - early 2010s, and now it has become a woke month. 1 hour sermon by Vlad Savchuk...
  3. AlexB23

    Francis Appoints Homosexualists to Shape Doctrine

    Christianity is going woke. We are in the last days. For all those who think Revelation happened in Nero's days, we are sorely mistaken. The seeds were sown during the Roman empire, but the end times are taking root now.
  4. AlexB23

    Pope Francis to meet Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, other top comedians at Vatican

    Agreed. He might wanna read 2 Timothy 4:3. 2 Timothy 4:3 (ESV): "For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions" Related Devotional...
  5. AlexB23

    16 men to be ordained to the priesthood in Washington, DC

    Cool. We need more priests as a society. :)
  6. AlexB23

    Cops Stage Surprise 'Mock Shooting' on High Schoolers' Tour

    Man, what has the world come to. The officers could have used colorful Nerf blasters instead. This mock stuff could traumatize kids and parents.
  7. AlexB23

    Pope Francis to meet Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, other top comedians at Vatican

    Bro, this is worldly. Some of these comics have said very crass things. I do like Jim Gaffigan though. :) Watched him in 2020 during the pandemic, very clean comedy from him.
  8. AlexB23

    A Warning from 2 Timothy 4:3 - The Gospel is not a Cafeteria

    Agreed. The list is not exhaustive.
  9. AlexB23

    Putin ‘invokes Cuban Missile Crisis’ as he moves ‘nuclear-capable’ ships to Havana

    Agreed, that is true. Strength is important, but no one can truly 100% guarantee the strength of a building or reactor during a quake. Man, this quake was already 13 years ago. Man, am getting older here.
  10. AlexB23

    The World Was a Lie.

    Welcome to the forums, and I am grateful that you turned away from the world. I made a devotional about being "on fire" for Jesus, and I am sure that is what happened to you :):
  11. AlexB23

    Forgiveness: An Analysis

    Hey, thank you. I do not like long walls of text either (have seen a lot of those on the forums), so that is why these analyses are divided into three parts: verse, explanation and relevance. :) These are a hybrid between devotionals and exegeses. Here are the rest of the devotionals: bible...
  12. AlexB23

    In the Latter Days Ye Shall Consider It

    I have no idea, I am not the guy on Reddit. Quora is trash, while Reddit is a dumpster fire. Heck, the AI on my laptop is better than that. But yes, we better be careful in 2024. Storms are gonna be big this year. The radios can help Africans and Asians get the gospel from anywhere though, so...
  13. AlexB23

    Putin ‘invokes Cuban Missile Crisis’ as he moves ‘nuclear-capable’ ships to Havana

    I have watched a National Geographic or some documentary about Fukushima in the early 2010s. We either need stronger reactors, or we need to stop building them in natural disaster prone areas. :)
  14. AlexB23

    Should we Obsess on the Past (Ecclesiastes 7:10 & Luke 9:62)

    Ooh, that is a good one. :)
  15. AlexB23

    ''Stop the world I want to get off''

    You are welcome.
  16. AlexB23

    ''Stop the world I want to get off''

    Haha, good one bro. Also, don't forget that the Earth spins on an axis at 1000 mph.
  17. AlexB23

    Milky Way last major collision

    Umm, well, to explain that joke, the international and US politics threads are better places, but here are two links about the Russian collusion. Russian Interference *FBI Report on Russians: RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE IN 2016 U.S. ELECTIONS | Federal Bureau of Investigation Bipartisan report on...
  18. AlexB23

    Milky Way last major collision

    That is alright. I'm not the only Christian guy here into astronomy, the sciences in general, and physics. @dlamberth and @sjastro enjoy astronomy as well. :)
  19. AlexB23

    Milky Way last major collision

    Wow, I never heard of this Halton Arp guy. The RFGC 1621 galaxy is all alone, it needs some friends. It is a third wheel.
  20. AlexB23

    Milky Way last major collision

    Haha, this is @dlamberth 's thread. :) But yes, I think of Russian interference every time I see the title as well.