Search results

  1. BornMC

    What do you want to be saved from?

    I wanted to be saved from alcoholism and drugs, and from meaninglessness. Recently, I have reached level 10 in my life... I am riding on a cloud of bliss. It's been years of prayer, meditation, changing my approach to develop my character... I have changed a LOT. And now I just want to say...
  2. BornMC

    Waiting on God (trust)

    Face your fears. Debate your doubts and dis your disbeliefs. Wise words. I realize I need to get to church. I also need to practice self care. But as far as disbelief, I feel as if I need to do something about my life's work. I feel I can't let another year go by with little effort. At this...
  3. BornMC

    The three levels of the bible

    Okay, thank you. I was baptized Greek Orthodox on Folegandros around 1993. Just wanted an Orthodox perspective.
  4. BornMC

    The three levels of the bible

    I felt the same way. Just wondering where I can read about it? Is it necessary to know the history of the faith before you convince others to believe in Jesus?
  5. BornMC

    The three levels of the bible

    How about the three levels of the bible? A freemason at the pool told me about the bible being written in three levels. One tells a story of a garden with a serpent; this is for common folk. Second level tells a story of sex for adults; third story tells of a jealous, insecure GOD (i say this...
  6. BornMC

    The different levels of the bible

    How about the three levels of the bible? A freemason at the pool told me about the bible being written in three levels. One tells a story of a garden with a serpent; this is for common folk. Second level tells a story of sex for adults; third story tells of a jealous, insecure GOD (i say this...
  7. BornMC

    First Anglican service tomorrow

    Hi: Do you remember your first time attending an Anglican service? I was baptized Greek Orthodox but I have gravitated toward the Anglican Church. Tomorrow will be my first service... I believe. I know I was in this particular cathedral as a kid... maybe it is my second! Do you relate? Peace