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    Disability Awareness Sunday September 18th 2022

    That is great - so glad you are doing a service that takes account of disability issues. Praying it goes really well and everyone is blessed by it - as I'm sure they will be.
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    Disability Awareness Sunday September 18th 2022

    Thank you! - that means a lot, as I work for Through the Roof, the Christian disability inclusion charity. It is great to have your support! Please do spread the word about the importance of including disabled people in church life - as 1 Corinthian 12:22 and 27 say: "Now you are the body of...
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    Disability Awareness Sunday September 18th 2022

    A message from Through the Roof disability charity for churches in the UK and Ireland: Disability Awareness Sunday is 18th September 2022 Let’s celebrate it in every church! “I feel alive! Valued for the disabled person I am. At last, I feel that I am in a space where I can grow as the...
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    Disability Awareness Sunday September 18th 2022

    Hello all - My name is Annette and I am new to the forums. I'm passionate about including everyone in church life, especially disabled people, so I wanted to post this article advertising Disability Awareness Sunday. Note: I'm based in the UK, so any hard-copy resources mentioned are only...
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    Disability Awareness Sunday September 18th 2022

    Hello all - My name is Annette and I am new to the forums. I'm passionate about including everyone in church life, especially disabled people, so I wanted to post this article advertising Disability Awareness Sunday. Note: I'm based in the UK, so any hard-copy resources mentioned are only...