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  1. O

    The Triumph of Bidenomics!

    You would be hard pressed to come up with a list that surpasses FDR's and LBJ's just for starters. But I'm willing to look at your list. BTW, school vouchers are individual state programs and a variety of way are used to fund them. The most popular is to transfer funds from the failing...
  2. O

    Free will and determinism

    Srawman alert! Nope, that was you. I think this is the 4th or 5th time I've reminded you what forum you are in. Try looking up "moral agency". It's now clear, as suspected, you just seem to desperately want to get to 800 posts. Since it's your OP, I'll let you have the last post. Thanks...
  3. O

    Free will and determinism

    Not trying to. I said it was my mistake. Your definition has well, no intelligible meaning. But I gave you the benefit of being more intelligent than that. Again, my mistake. "Nothing to see here ... move along."
  4. O

    The Triumph of Bidenomics!

    If true then there is no such thing as "Bidenomics" or "Reganomics". The President, the Senators and the Congress know that their first job is to keep their job. Past legislation and executive action show the Democrats more likely to use public funds to initiate programs to buy votes with...
  5. O

    Free will and determinism

    My mistake. I thought you were starting a thread in a debate forum that well, could be debated. (BTW, that's the definition for absolute free will. No one argues that nonsense as true.)
  6. O

    Is modern secular society headed down the path to Sodom and Gomorrah.

    Which centuries were those? We only have ~ 2.5 as far as I can tell. Do you remember, "In God we trust", "One nations under God", "The Defense of Marriage Act", 1873 Comstock Act (anti-obscenity laws, anti-pornography laws), the anti-sodomy laws, or when abortion was illegal?
  7. O

    The Triumph of Bidenomics!

    ? The deficits are not measured against the "budget" but the difference between outlays and receipts. The fiscal year argument is more red herring than real. And examining the deficits as a % of GDP masks the actual fiscal irresponsibility. Here's the data from the Trump and Biden years...
  8. O

    Is modern secular society headed down the path to Sodom and Gomorrah.

    You might want to re-think that. A theocracy is not a democracy. In as much as your list contains illegitimate acts, they do not apply. The claim was that the laws of the land will permit acts of the lowest possible moral standards. .
  9. O

    Systemic racism in the USA: Are whites "guiltier" if they had slavery in their past?

    If systemic racism exists today in the US then what evidence does the claim have in support? We'd be looking for laws or policies that are racially biased. I think today just the opposite is in evidence. I don't see the rationale for the linkage. Historically in the US, the Democrats were...
  10. O

    Is modern secular society headed down the path to Sodom and Gomorrah.

    Secularism in a democracy tends and perhaps even ensures that the lowest possible moral standards will be the only legitimate standards. Note, not standards based on the lowest common denominator but just the lowest possible. Under Biden's liberal polices, the perception of decline has increased:
  11. O

    The Triumph of Bidenomics!

    The thread is about Bidenomics. The only difference between Republicans and Democrats is the degree that that one runs up deficits. Bidenomics wins hands-down.
  12. O

    Free will and determinism

    I login to see if there's a new thread in this forum that interests me. Finding none, I never tire of pointing out just how this one is nonsense. Reason: it's just a nonsense question; it's not what you claim. Let me try to help here. First, we're in the "Ethics and Morality" forum so...
  13. O

    Free will and determinism

    Nope, that won't tell us much. Here's a better design: 1. Put a sign outside your house, "I don't believe in free will or retribution". 2. Wait. 3. If you haven't had all your gear taken in~7 days then you may have something. Rationale: Those underprivileged angels, you know, the ones...
  14. O

    The Triumph of Bidenomics!

    At the time, the country was suffering from a wage/price spiral in part initiated by OPEC punitive policies on Western democracies. In macroeconomics, a wage-price spiral is an explanation for inflation, in which wage increases cause price increases which in turn cause wage increases, in a...
  15. O

    Paul's : Doctrine #1

    Speaking to non-Jews, Pauline theology is a problem for Matthew the disciple to the Jews. Matthew’s teaching contradicts Paul’s. Paul rejects the Torah as a means of justification, “We . . . may be justified by faith in Christ and not by works of the law because by works of the law no one will...
  16. O

    Free will and determinism

    ? Another strawman :rolleyes:. I suggested that locomotion could be no more an illusion than free will. Absent an argument in rebuttal, you revert as usual to construct a strawman. I have not seen anything that you have posted as evidence or any cogent reasoning that free will is an...
  17. O

    Free will and determinism

    A suggestion. Listen to his program again with an open mind.
  18. O

    Free will and determinism

    ? There is no opposing argument in your post. The delusion that one does not have free will as noted in Fromm's work is an excuse to relieve one from the responsibilities of free will. BTW, preceding the locomotion to move from A to B is the free choice decision to do so.
  19. O

    Free will and determinism

    First, the dismissive use of referring to Del Santo as the "guy who makes the same mistake" must be called out. We ought not demean those who disagree with us. I inferred you were going to freely constrain yourself further from using high school debating tactics. Secondly, you missed the...