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  1. Justin-H.S.

    Been Hearing - Droves of People Becoming Christians, and many to Orthodoxy

    We've had more catechumen join in the last year than the entirety of my mission parish's 20 year history. It's like when the elderly attendance dropped off in the pandemic years were replaced with younger families. Now, the majority of the parish is under ~50 years of age.
  2. Justin-H.S.

    What does this icon represent?

    It also demonstrates the monarchia of the Father, as the other two persons look to the one person on the left.
  3. Justin-H.S.

    Father Seraphim Cardoza

    Memory Eternal! This video specifically is what convinced me to become Orthodox:
  4. Justin-H.S.

    Opinions on the Corrective Baptism issue?

    I say this as someone starting to lean away from "corrective baptisms" (not that I held that position in the first place), and more towards Chrism/Holy Spirit-respecter, but....this is standard atheist/materialist fare. "You're not being physically persecuted?? Then, you're not actually being...
  5. Justin-H.S.

    A critique of an explanation about iconography

    My only comment is this: 2023 is the year American Calvinists noticed Orthodoxy is growing in numbers, and are racing to plug the gaps through a reviving of its historical tradition of iconoclasm. Thankfully, God's peoples have experience surviving iconoclasts, par excellence, through Muslims...
  6. Justin-H.S.

    Fr Tom Hopko and Darwin

    This was around the time New Atheism was really gaining traction and a reactionary movement against Westboro Baptists and Creation vs. Evolution in public schools, so this could be seen as treading that fine line of "don't lump us in with those crazy Protestants," but that's just speculation on...
  7. Justin-H.S.

    What Are You Required to Believe to Become Orthodox?

    This also goes into why God is referred to as He - a masculine pronoun, and why the Church is a She - the feminine. Feminine nature is to receive from the masculine, as a seed is planted into the fertile ground. But some ground can be rocky and unstable, so the teachings won't grow.
  8. Justin-H.S.

    My letter to OCAMPR

    Sounds pretty Corinthian.
  9. Justin-H.S.

    Is the Orthodox church Infallible?

    Bishop Jonah addresses the issue of "Infallibility" in this catechesis class: @13:28
  10. Justin-H.S.

    Jurisdictional Wranglings

    Because the many GOA around the world are basically subsidizing "Constantinople." And it keeps calling itself the "Ecumenical Patriarchate" when there no longer is a Roman emperor.
  11. Justin-H.S.

    Opinions on the Corrective Baptism issue?

    If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. God grant all of us the wisdom to make a U-turn if it turns out we were wrong in our respective beliefs. Inshallah
  12. Justin-H.S.

    Turkish convert, Islamic language?

    I say Inshallah and I'm not even Arabic.
  13. Justin-H.S.

    Opinions on the Corrective Baptism issue?

    "We should just accept the council of Florence because the bishops did."
  14. Justin-H.S.

    What do Orthodox think of Worship Music?

    I'm more curious what it is that is considered "worship music" or CCM. Like...would a praise band be able to do a Lecrae song as worship music? How about a Kanye song? What are the parameters of worship music? Does it have to be a rock band? Why is CCM rap disqualified as worship music?
  15. Justin-H.S.

    Percentage of Orthodox is down in Russia, but percentage of practicing Orthodox is up

    It's the same as the "Christians" in America who identify as one, but don't actively practice/attend. Or who wear a cross because 2pac did.
  16. Justin-H.S.

    Opinions on the Corrective Baptism issue?

    That reminds of the couples who got married in the heterodox fashion requesting and being granted an Orthodox marriage ceremony, so you'd have to ask those couples that question. I'd wager it has something to do with the spiritual reality even if they weren't able to articulate it. "Why was it...
  17. Justin-H.S.

    I don’t even know what to think anymore

    I suppose we ought to start calling Japan "Nihon/Nippon" now since that's what Japanese (or Nipponese) people call their country.
  18. Justin-H.S.

    Opinions on the Corrective Baptism issue?

    In another thread, we discussed how we shouldn't even attend heterodox churches or services or even to pray and/or commune with them. In this thread we discuss how heterodox baptisms are fine. Very confusing because we don't accept any other sacrament of the heterodox. Is it because baptisms...
  19. Justin-H.S.

    Opinions on the Corrective Baptism issue?

    What is Baptism, and why is it important?