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  1. Cormack

    What is wrong with Calvinism ?

    You certainly claim to not know how God defines simple words like “sincere” and terms like “well meant.” Which in itself shows the desperate need to avoid my well meant offer of the gospel objection. Notice you’ve shared. Can you really define what, from God's point of view, is well meant, or...
  2. Cormack

    What is wrong with Calvinism ?

    So you’d reject the immediate experience of libertarian freewill in favour of words in a book and your philosophical understanding of those words. Surely you can see how out of touch that is. When you dismiss the experience of libertarian freewill as illusory you unwittingly degrade every other...
  3. Cormack

    What is wrong with Calvinism ?

    This really helps to clarify the well meant offer of the gospel for users reading. God ordering Christians to offer the gospel to a world of doomed reprobates is either. . . Well meant and sincere, Or, Ill intentioned and disingenuous.
  4. Cormack

    What is wrong with Calvinism ?

    It’s not simply a presumption that life contains the possibility or alternatives, rather an it’s an immediately assessable experience that God has created man to live within. An experience of libertarian freewill is the key there. You however are assuming on a lack of alternative choices...
  5. Cormack

    Dragon Ball Super

    It’s an unconventional use of language in my opinion, but even the Bible uses “god” in forms that we might see as strange today, like describing Satan as “the god of this world,” or even the use of God in psalm 82: God presides in the great assembly; he renders judgment among the gods. . . . ...
  6. Cormack

    What is wrong with Calvinism ?

    I read this one, was good: the arrangement of all things is in the hand of God, since to him belongs the disposal of life and death, he arranges all things by his sovereign counsel, in such a way that individuals are born, who are doomed from the womb to certain death, and are to glorify him by...
  7. Cormack

    What is wrong with Calvinism ?

    Bravo sir, bravo. :bow::crown:
  8. Cormack

    What is wrong with Calvinism ?

    So far as I’m aware I’ve answered your question directly. You asked if the Bible was only a matter of philosophical preference to me, and I’ve replied no it’s not. To be fair to you, and as a disclaimer to everyone reading, @Mark Quayle did not write “Boo hoo you broke my Calvinism.” I thought...
  9. Cormack

    What is wrong with Calvinism ?

    Having read that the temptation to ignore your reply would have bested me, so I’m glad you’ve made more of an effort than that. Writing to assume your own reading of scripture then asking “don’t you believe that?” (as though I’m your escaped lab clone,) that’s beyond solipsism. Are the...
  10. Cormack

    What is wrong with Calvinism ?

    According to modern day Ministries that have dedicated their lives to promoting Calvinism (e.g. Desiring God,) they are arguing that a noteworthy section of the Calvinist community has an arrogance or a self righteousness problem. So, what you feel about the self reporting of puritans doesn’t...
  11. Cormack

    Should I continue attending church?

    Apart from this point I largely liked your post. :) In that portion of scripture Jesus isn’t advocating that His followers buy swords for the sake of self defence, in fact, only a short time later He reprimands Peter for trying to defend Him with one of those swords (Luke 22:49-51.) Rather...
  12. Cormack

    Should I continue attending church?

    I’d rather spend my time with a nice man who sold guns than a jerk who sold child safety locks. Judge him on his kind conduct around you, not based upon high minded consequences to do with guns and the Jewish law. Guns are the hot button topic right now, and every blowhard and every wind of...
  13. Cormack

    Is it okay to simply assume that God saves all?

    I think users on CF haven’t gotten the memo just yet, universalists on the forum have already crushed that argument 1000 times over. Traditionalists and annihilationists seem to get onboard too, if their silence on the matter is any indication of the strength of the universalists response. The...
  14. Cormack

    Is it okay to simply assume that God saves all?

    “The best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour.” What would most atheists do after professing Christ if they recovered from their deathbed? The dog would return to his vomit. It’s naïve to think that after an unbelievers entire life of rejecting God he’s now been “won” over to the...
  15. Cormack

    Is it okay to simply assume that God saves all?

    That’s unavoidable when people buy into the time limit model, because so long as we have our thief upon the cross moment, feeling this fear even seconds from the end, then everything’s going to end up on the right side of heaven for us. That’s neglecting an earthly life lived in victory over...
  16. Cormack

    Is it okay to simply assume that God saves all?

    They’d repent under Christian universalism before entering into the Kingdom though, no different from any other view that pays stock into repent and believe. No Satan is saved, only reformed sinners. The difference is that according to the traditionalist, Gods made everything time limit...
  17. Cormack

    Is it okay to simply assume that God saves all?

    It’s also an odd idea that argues the unbelievers won’t understand patience, joy, peace and self control as modelled by a victorious Christian, but they will understand the notion of being tormented forever when explained by a Christian. Joy, peace and the destructive consequences of sinful...
  18. Cormack

    Is it okay to simply assume that God saves all?

    I’ve personally witnessed many instances where non Christians approach fruitful, Bible believing people to ask about good qualities that they can perceive in the Christian. I’ve seen it and been approached myself. “Where did you study?” Nowhere the gifted Bible student answers. “You’re very...
  19. Cormack

    Is it okay to simply assume that God saves all?

    I suspect that the hidden premise in the traditionalists thinking is that “there’s nothing attractive about repentance.” There’s nothing good about repenting to some Christians, and as a result they can’t step back from sin without the threat of eternal torment. Though repenting in many cases...
  20. Cormack

    Is it okay to simply assume that God saves all?

    Which I’ve taken into account when writing “an incentive outside of threatening these people with eternal conscious torment.” So I’m not meaning to ignore or make light of the notation that we can frighten people into attending church or into signing the dotted line on a statement of faith. The...