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  1. W

    Cleaner Gut leads to better connection/communication with God?

    Cleaner Gut leads to better connection/communication with God? i.e. Those are on high BP or diabetes, simple food/drinks like bread, coke or high carbs food will immediately have dizziness after 30 minutes of consumption? With dizziness or not dizziness to have better communication/connection...
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    (Galatians 5:22) of tasty food

    Hba1c same as 20 years back Total cholesterol now is 4.4, 20 years back was 5.7 . I always got neck pain and nobody knows why except prescribing me a medicine. Thousands of medical bill spent. Now I know why. I m not taking any medicine now.
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    (Galatians 5:22) of tasty food

    That was my reading 20 years back when I just finished my uni study. Cholesterol reading is also much better than that time.
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    (Galatians 5:22) of tasty food

    I managed to reverse my diabetes and high cholesterol, HBa1c from 6.0 to 5.2 in 3 months. I am kinda feeling that able to decode the below about food I can eat burger now. I am medicine free with much higher energy and metabolism. Be "self control" of what you eat and "gentleless" in the...
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    Christian is ok to speak like this ?

    Guess the leader now are those social media bosses and those bosses controlled the government. Christian are confused among themself from the truth. I.e speak or behave like Trump. Well, if Christian voice this out as a protest, then can US gov punish them ? Say, don't speak like Donald Trump...
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    Christian is ok to speak like this ?

    Monkeys see Monkeys do. Trump perhaps gonna b world no.1 people again and he controlled the world media. That's keep the people losing faith with the Christ or any religion. That's happening in the world right now. If u look at the past presidents quality, the last 5 is not even come to...
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    Salvation and Relationship with God

    Trump has a faith, grace and great relationship with God. Does salvation will still work for this kind of person ? How do u know your praying and communication is pure God and not Lucifer something else ? So do many of my protestant Christian speak like Trump. around 30% of them that...
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    Christian is ok to speak like this ?

    Ques is who is teaching many protestants here including pastor to speak like Donald Trump ?
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    Christian is ok to speak like this ?

    And I do asked, some are pastor too, why u speak like Trump.. common answer is speaking too fast . means speaking without brain ??? They r good people thou
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    Christian is ok to speak like this ?

    I m just curious why so many protestant speaking in this way. Some are mid-high ranking post in Christ community .. highest ranking Wont talk like this of course .. we don't see much people like this before except some gangster way of talking at my area or someone is drunk.. those protestant can...
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    Christian is ok to speak like this ?

    They speak like Trump.. It couldn't be explained better #ielts #english #ieltspreparation #ieltsvocabulary | Learn English | englishpix · Original audio Can u see the difference ? Check out Trump's scoring in morality too
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    Christian is ok to speak like this ?

    They speak like Trump.. It couldn't be explained better #ielts #english #ieltspreparation #ieltsvocabulary | Learn English | englishpix · Original audio Can u see the difference ? Check out Trump's scoring in morality too Monkeys see...
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    Christian is ok to speak like this ?
  14. W

    Christian is ok to speak like this ?

    Because .. many Christian especially protestant speaking in this way.. it shocked me sometime .. but it's not all .. not sure he is the mastermind .. we don't speak like this before Trump's time regardless of any religion
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    Christian is ok to speak like this ?

    If ok then where is that written ?
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    Protestant about Good Works

    I got what u meant. It's the matter how to share the Gospel. Well, just my 2 cents here how the Protestants condemning others about good works where he/she "no idea" how was Protestants being started and about the good works from 95 Thesis after half century in Church. 2ndly, kindly don't show...
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    Protestant about Good Works

    Well, let me ask a ques. Given example of 2 Christians both have grace and faith with Christ. One will never visit Church nor helping others. Simply just selfish to lack to no compassion. When enter heaven will still expecting someone to serve the person. One will contribute his best to...
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    Protestant about Good Works

    I connect to a lot skillful people by doing good works or walk the Bible? Those are Protestant too? God will judge you by your deeds, and if there is just one sin in your life, you going to hell. --> Where is written so?