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  1. kybela

    Conversion therapy

    2018 the European Parliament voted to adopt a text which condmened gay ‘cure’ therapy and urged its member states to ban the practice. The ban in Germany: To whom does the ban apply? The ban applies to everyone, not just to professionals in this field. Does the ban also apply to pastoral or...
  2. kybela

    Word of God labeled as hate speech

    Preacher fined for homophobic sermon Judge Qureshi told the preacher he seemed to enjoy testing the laws on free speech to their limits. He said: "In my view he enjoys coaxing people into asking him questions so that he can reply loudly into the microphone to answer them. "The only semblance...
  3. kybela

    What is the attitude towards transgender people in the Christian Church?

    wrong soup. This is the proper one: LGBTQIA (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual, Queer, Intersex, Asexual).
  4. kybela

    churches of Christ: no consubstantiation but "pneumatic presence" ?

    Thank you :) 1) Buildings (usually?) don't display a cross: but there is no problem to wear a cross or to display in a building? 2) every congregation subscribes to the doctrine of the Trinity?
  5. kybela

    churches of Christ: no consubstantiation but "pneumatic presence" ?

    Lord's supper: bread and wine are purely symbolic and memorial in character There is no Real Presence, no transubstantiation or consubstantiation. But cause they a "pneumatic presence" or "spiritual feeding" ?