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  1. Bradskii

    I was completely wrong. Joe did a good job

    Oh, good grief. You're outside the bubble. Hey everyone, he got out out. He's outside the bubble!
  2. Bradskii

    Free will and determinism

    They were both defined right at the start. You can offer different definitions if you like. 'Free will' seems to have a few variations.
  3. Bradskii

    Free will and determinism

    You've beaten that dead horse so much it's not recognisable as a horse any more. It's just a bloody smear on the sidewalk. You haven't actually brought anything to the conversation but I should at least thank you for your input. It's only polite. And in the best tradition of equity and...
  4. Bradskii

    Free will and determinism

    Are you saying that you want me to ask you something about free will that's not connected with free will? It sounds like you are. Maybe I could reword it: Do you always have reasons for the decisions you make?
  5. Bradskii

    Systemic racism in the USA: Are whites "guiltier" if they had slavery in their past?

    Why are you completely ignoring what has been shown to you? Even when correcting for prior convictions, black people get longer sentences. Which part of that sentence do you not understand?
  6. Bradskii

    Free will and determinism

    I thought you wanted me to bring something new to the table. Hang on, I'll check. Yes, you did. A few posts back. I guess you changed your mind. That's a shame.
  7. Bradskii


    I see that you got the answer that you probably expected...
  8. Bradskii

    Free will and determinism

    C'mon, it's a simple question. Has there ever been a time when you made a non random decision free from any prior reasons?
  9. Bradskii

    Public libraries - Conservatives team with politicians to remove books & board members

    Free from coercion. I totally agree. And if there are still books available that you don't want your kids to read, you tell them 'I don't want you reading this book because...' Fill in the ellipses as necessary.
  10. Bradskii

    Free will and determinism

    I did. I asled you if you'd ever made a decisionfor no reason.
  11. Bradskii

    Trump Ally Bannon Must Surrender to Prison by July 1 to Start 4-Month Sentence

    Is someone keeping a list of all the Trump supporters who have been fined and/or jailed or are still waiting to hear what the sentences will be?
  12. Bradskii

    Is God Worthy...?

    My answer to these type of questions is generally 'Which God are we talking about?' The one that sent His son to be tortured? The one who told a father to kill his son. The one that said to kill all the Canaanites? The one that drowned every man, woman and child on the planet bar one family? The...
  13. Bradskii

    Free will and determinism

    This is becoming too repetitive by far. Either please bring something new to the table (decisions made for no reasons perhaps) or we're done.
  14. Bradskii

    Free will and determinism

    I'm honestly surprised that you haven't come across statements such as: 'OK, for the sake of the argument...' The premise is accepted and then the argument stands or falls on everything from that point onwards. You don't need to be convinced it's true. It's a bone of contention, so you grant...
  15. Bradskii

    Free will and determinism

    I've used it myself. I don't know why you think it's not valid. On the assumption that it's valid in other areas, of course it will succeed. It's a common means of making an argument. I literally had to check your post count then to see how long you'd been on the forum. I thought you might not...
  16. Bradskii

    Free will and determinism

    I don't want to do your work for you. Not that I could anyway because I know it's a fool's errand. But if you're saying that it can't be done, then my premise will stand. You can't exclude that it hasn't been falsified because you say you can't falsify it? Friend, that's really not how this...
  17. Bradskii

    Free will and determinism

    Then your job, should you wish to take it, is to prove there was no cause. No, to the conclusion that unless there is evidence to the stands. Feel free to find that evidence. It is. You always assume a cause. If you assume there wasn't in some case, then let's hear about it...
  18. Bradskii

    Did the Founding Fathers get anything Wrong?

    From the bible? Then I think we're all safe from Christian Nationalism.
  19. Bradskii

    Free will and determinism

    I might point out that 'We don't know that there's never been an effect without a cause' is in the same ball park. I've bent over backwards to change the premise to 'On the assumption that all effects have a cause...' I don't want to add '...and that we weren't all created a few minutes ago, and...
  20. Bradskii

    Free will and determinism

    I'm willing to look at any one for proof. The declaration stands. I don't care if there are an infinity of effects for which we don't know the case. And there are. And that's not an exaggeration. Unless we examine every event in the universe that has ever happened then we can't claim it as a...