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  1. He is the way

    Utah-based church will donate $3 million to fund scholarships NAACP

    God decided our skin color before we were born. I don't believe God is racist, but He does decide who and when people are allowed to use His priesthood. At one time it was Aaron and his sons. There were also times when no one was allowed to use God's priesthood.
  2. He is the way

    Utah-based church will donate $3 million to fund scholarships NAACP

    They may have misconceptions about slavery and how, why, and who started the slave trade. Some people believe that slavery was just about blacks. That is not true either.
  3. He is the way

    Utah-based church will donate $3 million to fund scholarships NAACP

    There is a history of the slave trade in Ghana: "The remnants of the trade in Ghana are still visible today — in dozens of forts and castles built by Europeans between 1482 and 1786. American traders did business at trading posts run by the British, French, Dutch, Germans, Spanish, Portuguese...
  4. He is the way

    Utah-based church will donate $3 million to fund scholarships NAACP

    Mormons and NAACP seek to advance work with new initiatives "The faith known widely as the Mormon church will also give $6 million to fund three years of humanitarian aid aimed at helping underprivileged people in six metro areas of the United States. They announced the initiatives ahead of...
  5. He is the way

    Mormon church donates $20 million for worldwide COVID-19 vaccines

    Good examples should be shared. Biblically they were shared. Job was a great example as was Abraham and others. Their examples help us so we can be good examples. Jesus was our greatest example.
  6. He is the way

    Mormon church donates $20 million for worldwide COVID-19 vaccines

    Yes insurance companies are businesses. The SDA Church also owns businesses. These businesses are taxed as businesses.
  7. He is the way

    Mormon church donates $20 million for worldwide COVID-19 vaccines

    No one is forced or pushed to either accept or reject the vaccine. We believe in agency. I myself, would like to see Covid wiped out.
  8. He is the way

    Mormon church donates $20 million for worldwide COVID-19 vaccines

    I am grateful for all of the churches and people who have helped so much. We are living in tough times and I believe that they are going to get worse. Here are some of the things The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints has done...
  9. He is the way

    Mormon church donates $20 million for worldwide COVID-19 vaccines

    The church gets money through tithes and offerings from members.
  10. He is the way

    Mormon church donates $20 million for worldwide COVID-19 vaccines

    Mormon church donates $20 million for worldwide COVID-19 vaccines
  11. He is the way

    LDS Mountain Meadows Massacre: John D. Lee was a Scapegoat!

    I agree that that was strange because that is NOT the proper way baptism for the dead is done.
  12. He is the way

    LDS Mountain Meadows Massacre: John D. Lee was a Scapegoat!

    I have read it and I do understand it. It is obvious that John the Baptist had a far different calling than Paul did. Jesus also had a far different calling than they did. You are looking for a way to prove something that you can't prove. Paul verified the ordinance of baptism for the dead.
  13. He is the way

    LDS Mountain Meadows Massacre: John D. Lee was a Scapegoat!

    What did Kurt Sethe know about the ancient Americas? He was born and lived in Germany.
  14. He is the way

    LDS Joseph Smith and the Astronomers

    The more witnesses there are to the truth the more the truth is established.
  15. He is the way

    LDS Why mormons believe angels are less than gods?

    If the potter is in the room the room is not empty.
  16. He is the way

    LDS Mountain Meadows Massacre: John D. Lee was a Scapegoat!

    There is this: (New Testament | 1 Corinthians 15:29) 29 Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead?
  17. He is the way

    LDS Mountain Meadows Massacre: John D. Lee was a Scapegoat!

    They are baptized FOR the dead, not baptizing THE dead.
  18. He is the way

    LDS Mountain Meadows Massacre: John D. Lee was a Scapegoat!

    No Paul was called to preach the gospel, not to baptize for the dead.
  19. He is the way

    LDS Joseph Smith and the Astronomers

    The Book of Mormon is not an addition to the Book of Revelation. Nor is the Book of Revelation an addition to the Book of Deuteronomy (Old Testament | Deuteronomy 4:2) 2 Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the...