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  1. J

    How would you define trust and faith in regards to being saved?

    Faith/believe is not just about trust but also loyalty, allegiance, faithfulness to Jesus Christ.
  2. J

    Did King Saul lose his salvation?

    Yes. Saul lost his salvation.
  3. J

    Wicked Lose your salvation Documentary on YouTube promoting a works based salvation

    We are so used to sub-Christian living that the New Testament standard seems almost impossible. As Vance Havner once said,' the average Christian is such that one has to backslide to have fellowship with him'.
  4. J

    Wicked Lose your salvation Documentary on YouTube promoting a works based salvation

    I watched the video right through. I could not fault it. Thought they handled the subject with grace and accuracy.
  5. J

    Entire Sanctification

    Thanks Mark. Yes, the doctrine of entire sanctification is little known outside 'Holiness Church " circles. There is however, a good assortment of books on the subject in places like Amazon. I found Thomas Cook's book "New Testament Holiness" to be very helpful. God bless.
  6. J

    Imputed Righteousness.

    Thankyou for your reply.
  7. J

    Imputed Righteousness.

    What is the Wesleyan take on imputed righteousness. Calvinists believe God sees us through the holiness of Jesus and not as we really are. I personally find this unscriptural. Christ certainly sees Christians in the 7 churches in Revelations as they really were. I know John Wesley took issue...
  8. J

    Entire Sanctification

    I want to give praise and glory to God for what he has done in my life. Recently, the Lord sanctified my heart. After years of a sinning and repenting cycle, He has given my deliverance from sin. In the midst of my constant defeat, I read Thomas Cook's 'New Testament Holiness' and the light of...
  9. J

    Entire Sanctification

    I am looking for fellowship with Wesleyan Arminian believers.
  10. J

    Entire Sanctification

    Is this a safe place to share one's experience of entire sanctification or will it be belittled?
  11. J

    Do Dispensationals Accept Original Sin?

    I am a Classic Dispensationalist. I believe that Romans 5 teaches that we inherit a sinful nature from Adam. However, we are not guilty of Adams sin, only our own. So I guess I am not an adherent to Original Sin.