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  1. Godicon22

    Maybe a Sin in my mind?

    Before I got my job i really adore her or even desire to be like her. Shes our admin, so kind i think, so fluent, and all. I desire to be trained by her. Time goes by all my expectations gone... As I knew her being with her in the four corners of the room make my heart suck. I discover a lot...
  2. Godicon22

    First time

  3. Godicon22

    First time

    Thank u!
  4. Godicon22

    First time

    Thank u!
  5. Godicon22

    First time

    But thank u so much for reminding me again. God bless you too.
  6. Godicon22

    First time

    Yes by Gods grace maybe i started to understand it theres a lot of things beyond that guy thing but just what would Jesus do in dealing with it. I know hes flaws because hes very open to me even asking me and my leaders praying for him and so as mine. I just say that i dont admire him or have...
  7. Godicon22

    First time

    Yeah i agree! But still its nice to decide when it was Gods will after everything you still go back in Him.
  8. Godicon22

    First time

    Amen! But its not unequally yoke Hes pastors kid also and hes actually graduating now in bible school masteral course. Hes strong spiritually but many just think im more strong spiritually than him because maybe of of some guy things. Yeah thats why i consider this a lot. God willing... Thank...
  9. Godicon22

    First time

    Amen! We should and I should but in making decisions still its Gods voice in me. And maybe somehow people around me will be used by Him to speak but still its all about my sensitivity and my personal relationship with Him that i can hear. Thank u reminding me.
  10. Godicon22

    First time

    Thank you! But I already confronted him by chatting him. I opened to him what i feel but not that obvious but i know he gets on it. But he just reply we will talk soon. Hard to talk to him seriously in person. He always change the topic... We always talk only about ministry and im a kind of...
  11. Godicon22

    First time

    And by the way yeah i am inspire by him but hes not my desire man and most admire man ive known i knew him a lot... I know hes flaws but despite everything still cant understand why still I have this feeling for him. And they said maybe its unconditional love...and maybe im strong spiritually...
  12. Godicon22

    First time

    Amen! Thank u my mentor advise the same too. I think i should only hope in God and no one else still Hes in control. Thank u!
  13. Godicon22

    First time

    Hi! Im new to this site and just wanted to share what i have experience for over a year now. My first time experience being single since birth. Im 26 years old already and since then i never experience having a boyfriend. I was raised in a very conservative Christian family as my father being a...
  14. Godicon22

    Proverbs 6

    Rashness, laziness and troublemaking (6:1-19) A person can easily get into serious difficulties by agreeing to be a financial guarantor for a friend (or a stranger), as the friend may get so far into debt that the guarantor is ruined. If the guarantor realizes that he made a rash promise, he...
  15. Godicon22

    Love that motivates

    Yes. Thank you! God bless!
  16. Godicon22


    Im not feeling well yesterday my body was weak but i need to do my job and face the reality of my journey. Im a working student currently studying at night. Being an accounting staff in our ofice its so stressful meeting numbers everyday and run after 5pm in school and study. But im so amaze...
  17. Godicon22

    Love that motivates

    Just discover this page and thinking its nice. Love reading some blogs posted or make my own one day by Gods grace! Im a child of Him who desired to spread love to those who need it. Knowing that everyone was love by Him and that we exist because we are love by Him!