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  1. P

    Back in Communion

    Glory to God!
  2. P

    Christian forums vs Reddit

    Whether or not you trust me doesn't change the facts of the situation. That's not what it was about. It's a fact that he's not currently under anyone, since ROCOR chose to drop him. what she continually lied about is what led up to this situation. And as I said, she also lied about me...
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    Christian forums vs Reddit

    this wasn't really a question of liberal or not, though. this was just the one mod publicly lying continually about any number of things, including me personally. Fr. Peter just happened to be her favorite topic to blatantly lie about.
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    Ukraine Is Now 'Holy War,' Russian Church Declares

    Absolutely. Many of the MP's Churches outside of Russia are suffering because of him as well.
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    Christian forums vs Reddit

    Reddit is certainly more active, but it's also much more problematic. You have to take much of what's said there with a grain of salt, and the mods are certainly on the liberal side.
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    Ukraine Is Now 'Holy War,' Russian Church Declares

    I hear ya, Rus. No doubt the Patriarch and at least some other bishops back this statement, but we have to be accurate in how we speak about it. This isn't a document of the Holy Synod or Council of Bishops, so we can't say it's a statement of the Church . I know people who are convinced this...
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    Ukraine Is Now 'Holy War,' Russian Church Declares

    Sloppy reporting. The Russian CHURCH didn't declare anything. The World Russian People's Council is a public forum that includes all kinds of public figures and representatives of other religions as well. It is chaired by the Patriarch, however, and of course has many other bishops as its...
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    2024 Conference on the 8th Council

    No, the conference that will be held next year is dedicated to the topic of the 8th Ecumenical Council, which was held in the 9th century: Eighth Ecumenical Council - OrthodoxWiki
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    Orthodoxy's view on Genesis 1

    You can find a variety of views from Orthodox people, but a singular teaching from Orthodox saints. The Church undoubtedly teaches that Genesis is literal history of the world, which is not mutually exclusive from it having allegorical meanings as well. The mistake that evolutionists make is...
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    EO ONLY: Revelation 12

    Here's my understanding of it: In the book of Revelation, St. John beheld a vision of the temple of God containing the Ark of the Covenant and immediately begins to describe a woman in the heavens who bore a child against whom the red dragon fought[7], and who would rule all nations and was...
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    Opinions on the Corrective Baptism issue?

    To be fair, Fr. Peter was literally hounded for months or years by clergy and laity alike insisting he publicly reveal all the vagaries of his situation. Fr. Peter was not talking about how badly the MP bishop and then the ROCOR Synod mishandled his situation, but everyone else forced it out...
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    Opinions on the Corrective Baptism issue?

    Regarding the letter, I'm not seeing it on Orthodox Ethos, but even if it's there, it was certainly posted by OrthoChristian first. And regarding Fr. Peter resisting episcopal authority - the question is, when did he walk away from his bishop? At what point did he place himself into...
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    Opinions on the Corrective Baptism issue?

    What does it even mean to be sneaking around the diocese? Was Fr. Peter sneaking into ROCOR parishes and giving talks or something? Who was letting him in without the rector's knowledge? Is that what's being claimed? Or does Abp. Peter simply mean Fr. Peter met with/spoke with people who live in...
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    Should I do this . . . ?

    Just want to say, Fr. Seraphim Reynolds is great!
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    Retread of a good movie

    Saw in the theater when it came out! Excellent movie. My kiddos love it, too!
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    Announcement from Fr. Peter Heers in Response to the Assembly of Bishops' COMMUNIQUÉ

    The Russian Church didn't fully break communion with the Greek Church, though. It only broke from certain bishops who have explicitly come out in support of the OCU or who have served with OCU people. The Russian Church definitely considers itself still in communion with Metropolitan Seraphim of...
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    Full English-language biography of St. Gabriel (Urgebadze) of Georgia

    Christ is Risen! Greetings, all. So, I translated a full-length biography of St. Gabriel (Urgebadze), the Fool-for-Christ of Georgia, and it's currently in the process of being edited. It will be published by Pokrov Publications, which put out Everyday Saints! We have an IndieGoGo running...