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  1. Multifavs

    Friendship & Fellowship

    I'll be streaming in a moment! If you want to see it you can find it here:
  2. Multifavs

    Friendship & Fellowship

    I'll be sure to let you know! I plan on streaming again as soon as I can. :blush:
  3. Multifavs

    Friendship & Fellowship

    Maybe I'll try doing digital art and streaming again sometime soon. I haven't done much of either this year. I was going to do some today but I changed my mind.
  4. Multifavs

    DreamyLaLa's Art

    So pretty! I love the swan, the pastel blues, and the flowers! :sparkles::cherryblossom:
  5. Multifavs

    The Venting Thread

    I've been feeling depressed lately. Generalized anxiety disorder is such a heavy burden. Nearly 12 years and I still haven't found the right treatment. I just want it to go away and never come back, but it never will. I'm constantly terrified that it will kill me or give me serious problems...
  6. Multifavs

    What are you thankful for today?

    I'm thankful for friendship and for all the writing ideas I've had over the past year. I'm thankful that the Lord has been good to me even if I don't deserve it.
  7. Multifavs

    Friendship & Fellowship

  8. Multifavs

    Friendship & Fellowship

  9. Multifavs

    What's on your mind?

    My brother's TV is crazy. I haven't heard any more weird voices coming from it, but now it won't let anyone play the SNES or N64 or even watch TV. The Gamecube, Wii, and Switch are working fine. I've heard new TVs and old game systems don't always work well together...
  10. Multifavs

    What are your favorite flowers?

    It's hard for me to choose just a few. I love a lot of flowers! Some of my favorites include roses, tulips, petunias, lilies, hyacinths, and lilacs. I love flowers that smell nice and/or are pretty colors like lavender, pink, and yellow. :hibiscus::rose::sunflower::tulip::blossom::cherryblossom:
  11. Multifavs

    What kinds of things do you do on the computer?

    (Or on your tablet or phone, if you use those instead) I need some inspiration. I want to do something more meaningful with my time on the computer. I'm getting tired of playing an online game where I lose most of the time. I'm tired of seeing nasty comments from people who love animals but...
  12. Multifavs

    Friendship & Fellowship

    Hello! I hope you're all having a good weekend. :wave: I wish more people gave human lives the value they deserve. Every life is precious in God's eyes. I saw a bunch of people saying things like "no one will ever appreciate kindness, everyone will just use you if you're kind, so don't be...
  13. Multifavs

    Multi's Art Gallery

    Colored the lineart! :3 I decided to outline it with pen but was afraid I would mess it up, so my brother made me a copy and I traced over that instead.
  14. Multifavs

    The Venting Thread

    I hate sin and evil...there is way too much of it in this world. :mad: There are so many people out there who hate all humans and believe us all to be nothing more than cruel and worthless makes me sick. What an insult to those of us who try to be good people. :( Be the change you...
  15. Multifavs

    What's on your mind?

    It's kind of weird that three Mario games have been remade in the past year and they all have the exact same name as the original. I mean, how are you supposed to tell them apart if the names are the same? Seems funny seeing Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door getting a remake. I remember...
  16. Multifavs

    Multi's Art Gallery

    Here is a lineart of Susie, in progress. Not yet sure if I want to outline this with pen or keep the pencil, or maybe add some more details in the background. :mmh:
  17. Multifavs

    DreamyLaLa's Art

    Those are so cute! I love all the pink colors! :3
  18. Multifavs

    The "Get To Know One Another" Thread

    Wow those are so cute! Your sisters are very talented! ^-^
  19. Multifavs

    The "Get To Know One Another" Thread

    Roses, wisteria, sunflowers, and water lilies are all very pretty. I'm not sure if I have a single favorite flower, I like all flowers that are pretty, haha. But some I really like include roses, tulips, petunias, and lilies. :rose::tulip: Wow, your manga is amazing! I read the whole first...
  20. Multifavs

    The "Get To Know One Another" Thread

    Aww, thank you so much!! :purpleheart: Yes, the one on the far right is a shiny Eevee. :):sparkles: I would love to see the dolls your sister made! I'm glad you like my plushies and needlepoint. ^-^ The character in the needlepoint is a Chao from the Sonic games.