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  1. PeachieKeen

    What are you doing right now?

    Snow day! Enjoying the extra day off!
  2. PeachieKeen

    What are you doing right now?

    Been having a lot of luck trying new vegetarian recipes lately. Here are a few hits- Chipotle refried lentil flautas Pizza Bianca Basil lentil meatballs Japanese fritters
  3. PeachieKeen

    What are you doing right now?

    In the middle of a huge snow storm and my husband just left to get me popcorn because I made an offhand comment that it sounds good.. I appreciate the thought but am frustrated by the non negotiable foolishness of it all. If he's like this when I have just normal crampy cravings I can't imagine...
  4. PeachieKeen

    What's on your mind?

    I definitely agree with this for meat and eggs.. But i guess i can't think of a way dairy could be produced to a mass market ethically. I had no idea they perpetually impregnated the cows, took their young calves then repeated the cycle to keep the milk going... It just seems beyond cruel :(
  5. PeachieKeen

    How does your relationship change after you get married?

    I'm very new to being married, but just to offer a different perspective we actually were shocked at how little has changed. We thought everything was going to feel super different but it didn't, it's like milestone birthdays. Someone says "how does it feel being 21?" And you think "same as 20."...
  6. PeachieKeen

    Is it ok to have a ouija board in the house?

    Ouija boards are just a piece of cardboard with writing. They are not real. I think being afraid of Ouija boards is assigning them far too much power. I used one a couple years back. I was raised to think they were evil and scary but as I got older i realized that it's just a gimmick. Hasbro...
  7. PeachieKeen

    What's on your mind?

    Learned the truth about the dairy industry today... Now I'm struggling with if becoming a vegetarian isn't good enough and if ethically I'm going to have to become vegan.. Really don't want to be but I just can't see how else I can operate now that I know better. Has anyone else wrestled with...
  8. PeachieKeen

    What's on your mind?

  9. PeachieKeen

    What's on your mind?

    Big winter storm rolling in... Really hope they release us from work soon!
  10. PeachieKeen

    How is God a part of your day-to-day life with your spouse?

    We go to Church together, do devotionals together and pray together when someone is feeling especially down. God also comes up a lot when we're upset or arguing- we try to factor in what God says about the issue into our discussion.
  11. PeachieKeen

    Wedding planning advice

    Make sure you have a photographer you love. If you can use the same photographer for your engagement photos as your wedding day, do it! If engagement photos turn out bad... Run! I made the mistake of listening to him when he said he understood what I didn't like and he was going to fix it for...
  12. PeachieKeen

    Advice for an engaged couple?

    Owlyyyyy!!! :) Congrats on the engagement!! By biggest advice is to enjoy being engaged, it goes by really fast and you never get it back. Also, accept there will be at least one major disaster at your wedding and choose now to laugh at it.
  13. PeachieKeen

    Question about Christian women

    I definitely am not thinking about sex and lust when i say soulmate vs attractive, but I still wouldn't speak that way or be happy with my spouse if he did. In my opinion, fangirling over another man like that is disrespectful to my husband and could make him feel less than. I never want to make...
  14. PeachieKeen

    What's on your mind?

    I had a totinos pizza when the fast ended.. A little naughty, but then i had hummus for dinner so I feel like it evened out. I've been trying to be good since- everything in moderation and working towards being a vegetarian. Feeling really good!
  15. PeachieKeen

    What's on your mind?

    Throwing in the fasting towel 10.5 hours early, body just isn't feeling good anymore and I'm not able to sleep. Disappointed not to make it all the way, but I still think I learned a lot from this and made a big step forward on changing my negative relationship with food. 9 lbs down total. I'm...
  16. PeachieKeen

    What's on your mind?

    Only 23 hours left! Grocery shopped today and am super excited for dinner tomorrow! Thanks for taking the lecture on my behalf ;)
  17. PeachieKeen

    What's on your mind?

    Worked out a little too hard last night and not feeling super today. Going to take it much easier tonight but for the first time I'm seriously uncertain if I can do the full 5 days of fasting...
  18. PeachieKeen

    What's on your mind?

    Shockingly I'm not that hungry... I miss food but for the most part i haven't felt hungry and I've had a lot of energy and clarity. I'm the same as you though, if I skipped a single meal before I got dizzy and shaky. Once i got past that feeling on day 1 and just drank water when i felt that...
  19. PeachieKeen

    What's on your mind?

    Yes, just water and plain coffee/tea sparingly. It has really great health benefits and has the added plus of helping drop a few lbs of fat. Based on my reading only about 1-2 lbs a day of weight loss will be permanent.
  20. PeachieKeen

    What's on your mind?

    Day one of my five day fast is done! Didn't manage to work out tonight, but I'm hoping as I acclimate I can sneak some light workouts in.