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  1. *Cher

    Kellyanne Conway kneels on a couch. Liberals go crazy.

    Because liberals are splitting up to throw even the kitchen sink at him. Some will act this way while others act another way. All a plan to disrespect the voters who fairly and legally elected President Trump. Miss Kelly Ann (and to the young girl from Canada, do not correct me, learn respect...
  2. *Cher

    Kellyanne Conway kneels on a couch. Liberals go crazy.

    The hypocrisy. Why can't they just admit that!
  3. *Cher


    :groupray: My cat is still hanging out. Won't come to us, let us come to her. She is coming to the door and windows. I guess she wants food. When we go out she runs away. I leave her food and she sneaks back to eat. Crazy cat.
  4. *Cher

    Texas voted to bury aborted babies, not sell This is a victory! :clap: The Donald J Trump effect!
  5. *Cher

    God and the healthcare system

    President Trump wants to change this. The left side stands in his way.
  6. *Cher

    Kellyanne Conway kneels on a couch. Liberals go crazy.

    They really wouldn't elect him wanting to closed down all the abortion clinics.
  7. *Cher

    Kellyanne Conway kneels on a couch. Liberals go crazy.

    Equally, the Christian left would not elect Jesus on his words condemning gay marriage.
  8. *Cher

    Kellyanne Conway kneels on a couch. Liberals go crazy.

    There is no Alt Right. That was a poor attempt to align conservative Trump supporters with KKK and White Supremeist groups who tried to attach themselves to Donald J Trump. He had/has/ will never have anything to do with them.
  9. *Cher

    Kellyanne Conway kneels on a couch. Liberals go crazy.

    You are young and in Canada. There isn't much to discuss. Good day
  10. *Cher

    Kellyanne Conway kneels on a couch. Liberals go crazy.

    It is relevant when the left side says Kelly Ann disrespects the Oval. It's the left side being very hypocritical.
  11. *Cher

    More Anti-Semitic vandalism, more bomb threats last week and today!

    Obama releases 10 more Gitmo prisoners, this time to Oman
  12. *Cher

    Kellyanne Conway kneels on a couch. Liberals go crazy.

    So now you care about adultery in the Oval office? The left side didn't care about it before.
  13. *Cher

    Kellyanne Conway kneels on a couch. Liberals go crazy.

    See what I mean? Everything but the kitchen sink.
  14. *Cher

    Kellyanne Conway kneels on a couch. Liberals go crazy.

    Anything but the kitchen sink is being thrown at him. The left side is throwing everything at him to see what will stick. Russia, Anti Jew, Kellyann kneeling on the couch. What ever they can think of. It's actually pathetic that they can not accept defeat.
  15. *Cher


    Thanks all but mostly thank God both cats are okay. Now if mine would just come inside.
  16. *Cher

    Kellyanne Conway kneels on a couch. Liberals go crazy.

    Whether it was from last millennium makes no difference. You have inherited the outcome. This is when the world discovered [bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse] wasn't sex. And we are worried about Kellyann kneeling on a couch? No we aren't worried. We're making fake news so we won't pay attention to what Mr. Obama is doing...
  17. *Cher

    Kellyanne Conway kneels on a couch. Liberals go crazy.

    And they are doing the fake news to be a distraction so we won't find out about what crimes Mr.Obama are committing. The fake news is covering for him.
  18. *Cher

    Kellyanne Conway kneels on a couch. Liberals go crazy.

    That is what we call the fake news. Non stories that the fake news will try to make news so they can be spin it and then be critical of President Trump. It's all made up to be a negitive story when it's just a woman kneeling on a couch. Big deal! Get a life fake news!