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  1. SPF

    What Are Works?

    Works is a broad term because it refers to literally every action you perform, whether outwardly or inwardly. Everything we do as Christians matter, all the time. So the question is, are your works, the things you do every day oriented towards yourself, or towards God and others? I find that...
  2. SPF

    The Ravi Zacharias scandal and....his books on my shelves.

    Congratulations, you described something that Piper does not do. He writes the content and has it edited for grammer and readability. Editing is not synonymous with ghost writing. They're different.
  3. SPF

    The Ravi Zacharias scandal and....his books on my shelves.

    Now I believe in editors, big time. David Mathis at Desiring God is called a senior editor. I sent off a book to him yesterday or the day before and said, “Go at it, David. Help me avoid error. Help me not say things stupidly. Help me get my grammar right.” He is going to send it back to me and...
  4. SPF

    The Ravi Zacharias scandal and....his books on my shelves.

    They're not "essentially" or even "remotely" being what is known as a ghost-writer. And the fact that you are so insistent on refusing to acknowledge that speaks more about your character than anything else. Whatever glasses you removed, you apparently didn't replace them with the proper ones...
  5. SPF

    The Ravi Zacharias scandal and....his books on my shelves.

    Well you clearly have your own beliefs and aren't swayed by reality, and choose to actually ignore what people say. Good on you champ. Again, who ghost wrote Augustine and Calvin? Did you actually read what Piper said, because your comments about it are a joke and clearly you're the one who...
  6. SPF

    The Ravi Zacharias scandal and....his books on my shelves.

    How about this for you. John Piper has written over 50 books, more than Zacharias. He has never once used a ghost writer. On Ghostwriters | Desiring God
  7. SPF

    The Ravi Zacharias scandal and....his books on my shelves.

    Prove it. Until then, you're honestly talking out of your rear. What ghost writers did Augustine, Calvin, and Edwards use?
  8. SPF

    The Ravi Zacharias scandal and....his books on my shelves.

    So you've never seen and you've never read Ravi's books, yet you know that you've.... Again, you've never seen and you've never read anything by Ravi Zacharias, yet you know that That's impressive. Honestly, I think the only Christians that wouldn't consider Ravi's books beneficial would be...
  9. SPF

    The Ravi Zacharias scandal and....his books on my shelves.

    John, let's be honest and candid for a moment - you've done no research into this. You haven't looked into how much or how little Ravi wrote in his books. You're making an ignorant, blanket statement, completely out of your rear end. I don't understand why people do this. I knew Ravi. I...
  10. SPF

    The Christian response to common abortion responses

    Statements like these of course rely upon ignoring basic human biology. A sperm will never be anything more than a sperm. An egg will never be anything more than an egg . Sperm and Egg are not human organism. Never were human organisms, and never will become, on their own, human organisms...
  11. SPF

    If God is all knowing, why did He create ....

    Didnt sound like it when you said: Again, I wonder what the 7 year old in a third world country dying from dehydration thinks of that statement. Honestly, you sound like a single, white, millennial who lives in America.
  12. SPF

    If God is all knowing, why did He create ....

    Well now you’re changing what you said. First it was the individual was responsible. Now you’re saying that some individuals are innocent but mankind in general is guilty?
  13. SPF

    If God is all knowing, why did He create ....

    But you said that "God gave us free will to decide our own fates" This statement is easily demonstrated as false. The child born into a third world country who dies of starvation before puberty was not able to decide their own fate.
  14. SPF

    If God is all knowing, why did He create ....

    What about the child born into poverty, who dies of starvation at 7?
  15. SPF

    If God is all knowing, why did He create ....

    Bacon can keep me out of heaven?
  16. SPF

    If God is all knowing, why did He create ....

    And what about the healthy people that take care of their body that end up dying of cancer?
  17. SPF

    Why do you believe God exists and why?

    So do you think that everyone who believes in God does so because their standard for evidence is below what your current standard of evidence is? If I'm able to decide what standard of evidence I require in order to believe something, then it sounds to me like I'm actually able to determine what...
  18. SPF

    Why do you believe God exists and why?

    What you apparently don't realize is that you insinuated that if people had a high enough standard of evidence like you that we would all be atheists. Do I have a choice about what I'm able to base what my beliefs come from? If there's more evidence for God as the Creator of the universe as...
  19. SPF

    Why do you believe God exists and why?

    Last I checked, YOU were the one who preached to me that I don't actually determine what I believe. I can't make myself believe anything! What an awesome answer. Way to expose your pompous, arrogant self buddy. I'm "convinced" that God created the universe because based upon what we know...