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  1. Paulus59

    War on Police Takes Sickening Turn as Hero Cop Is Killed in Ambush

    It is sickening to hear this. There is some evil people out there. He sounds like a very good man. May God be with his family at this time and may Minneapolis find healing from this.
  2. Paulus59

    what are you feeling right now? (24)

    I am having a depressive day today and can't get motivated to do anything.
  3. Paulus59

    what are you feeling right now? (24)

    Life is a tough struggle Yusuphhai, but in reality we always have hope in Jesus, even though we don't see it, you are in the Father's hand, sealed by the Holy Spirit and he will NEVER abandon you. Unfortunately we will have these days when we feel without hope, even the great prophets like...
  4. Paulus59

    We have much hope. God will help us.

    Sorry you are struggling HopeSings. I struggle everyday too for many years with chronic illness which has been very hard. God has made me strong to endure my hardships and I take it one day at a time. I pray everyday and also read my bible to build up my faith in Christ. Without God I would not...
  5. Paulus59

    We have much hope. God will help us.

    God is our ONLY hope.
  6. Paulus59

    Fed Up

    Yes, the fast industry has a lot to answer for.
  7. Paulus59

    Where was the golden altar of incense located?

    You are right, God does not have a use for a third temple as Christ has fore-filled that purpose, but the unbelieving Jews will see a use for it because they never accepted Christ as their Lord and the true king of Israel. The temple is the centerpiece of their religion which will unify Israel...
  8. Paulus59

    Finding joy and purpose in the midst of suffering

    That was a very sad, but also an amazing video to watch, full of wisdom & compassion. Thank you for posting.
  9. Paulus59

    There is no one righteous, not even one. Really?

    Yes, it's called total depravity. Read here: Total depravity - is it biblical? | That is some information on Total Depravity from a Christian website called: GotQuestions.
  10. Paulus59

    Why We Should Be Cautious of Jordan Peterson

    I always found Jordan Peterson a little full of himself and his videos on YouTube complex and to deep to understand for the average person.
  11. Paulus59

    I could really use some prayers

    Dear Ave Maria, I will be praying for you as I can see what you are going through. May the Lord God come and comfort you through your struggles and give you peace and the strength to keep going, may he lift you up and hold you with his love. Life is a hard battle for many that's why we need God...
  12. Paulus59

    Pray that No earthquakes ever occur in the North East of USA ever gain

    Certainly, maybe it's God warning people not to get to complacent with their immoral lifestyle.
  13. Paulus59

    They saw Stephen's face, which was like the FACE of an angel

    That's exactly right. I have seen this in some Christians and this happened to me too when I got baptized and was filled with the radiance of God. Also, I remember I was walking through a bus station one night and I saw a young man sitting there waiting for his bus and I could see the radiance...
  14. Paulus59

    Saw a massive UFO at dawn

    Perhaps what you saw could of been a phenomenon called Ball Lightning? Ball lightning is suppose to be a ball of plasma and that could explain the inference with your electrics and the lack of sound when this thing speeds off or even a mass of charged particles from the sun colliding with the...
  15. Paulus59

    Pray that No earthquakes ever occur in the North East of USA ever gain

    That's strange & frightening that New York had an earthquake. I hope & pray it never happens again too. Seems to be more earthquakes happening in unusual places all over the world.
  16. Paulus59

    Even in dementia, Jesus never leaves us nor forsakes us

    Beautiful and inspiring video for us all. Jesus is indeed in her heart. She may have lost her mind due to dementia, but her spirit is still intact.
  17. Paulus59

    Saw a massive UFO at dawn

    Do you realize that any object flying through the sky at hyper-sonic speed would cause massive shock waves that would break every window (and eardrums) for miles around. This is a Christian forum, if you really are concerned about extraterrestrial activities at your place then please talk to...
  18. Paulus59

    Outpouring of Support for Main Line Synagogue Hit By Antisemitic Vandalism

    This sort of mindless antisemitism is also happening here in Australia and many other parts of the world. It is very worrying as these groups can be dangerous, but they small and marginal groups that attract disaffected young men who minds have been poisoned with lies & hatred. We shall stand...
  19. Paulus59

    Do we choose to be born again?

    Wonderful, so glad we don't choose to be born again. I am so grateful for the sacrifice of Christ to redeem us so we can live as his sons in righteousness & truth. Good Friday this Friday so let us attend our respective churches to sing praises to God on high for his wonderful gift of salvation...
  20. Paulus59

    Please Pray For My Serious Depression

    Praying for you Yusuphhai, my brother in Christ. I know of your struggles and what you go through, I will pray for you that God gives you healing and relief from your suffering, praying that you always experience his presence & love in your life, praying that you grow evermore stronger in Christ...