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  1. Bob S

    The Danger of "Keeping Sabbath."

    Isaiah 58:13 was addressed to only one nation, Israel. It certainly is not addressed to anyone today because the covenant i6t was referring has been done away. On the contrary, sin has nothing to do with not keeping old covenant ritual laws. I guess you have never read the covenant God made...
  2. Bob S

    The Danger of "Keeping Sabbath."

    Your interpretation of Hebrews is completely wrong. Hebrews is addressing Jews who were already resting on the Sabbath. They certainly didn't need prompting from whomever the writer was. Today doesn't mean Saturday, it means right now Jews can find the real rest. Jesus is the real rest, and...
  3. Bob S

    The Danger of "Keeping Sabbath."

    Well, you asked the question, and I will give you an answer. Do you have photographs sitting around your home? According to your prophet's angel, those things are idols. Yep, read it for yourself. I bet you have never heard of such a thing. The church likes to hide things like her words on...
  4. Bob S

    The Danger of "Keeping Sabbath."

    The danger of keeping the Sabbath is that man cannot keep it according to the demands of the commandment. Trying to keep the Sabbath places the tryers to the demands of the old covenant that a whole nation failed to keep.
  5. Bob S

    Works Relation to Salvation

    You can write that all day, every day, but it does not make it true. The New Covenant does not dictate the Ten Commandments as being the guide of mankind. Paul tells us that it is the Holy Spirit that is our guide. The Holy Spirit guides us to love one another as Jesus taught. 8 will not the...
  6. Bob S

    Thoughts about the confusing word: "Law"

    A question to the moderators: Should a person who does not believe the Apostle Paul (or any of the other Bible contributors) are part of the Biblical canon be allowed to write on this forum?
  7. Bob S

    Thoughts about the confusing word: "Law"

    Since you do not believe God inspired Paul to write much of the New Testament, I have no interest in continuing a dialog with you. All I am able to do is to pray for you and those who believe like you. The old adage is we can lead a horse to water, but we cannot make it drink.
  8. Bob S

    Works Relation to Salvation

    So, you must think you are excluded since you insist on observing old covenant beliefs.
  9. Bob S

    Works Relation to Salvation

    There you go second guessing me. What is your problem? Since I am a gentile I nor my family were never under the covenant made at Sinai. We have never been commanded to observe a day. We are free in Christ. Jesus told the disciples to go into ALL the World and preach to every living soul...
  10. Bob S

    Works Relation to Salvation

    Where did you get that from my post? Please stop second-guessing my posts. They are very easy to understand and they reiterate God's word to us. I mean the covenant Jeremiah was under would end and the new and better covenant would begin at a later date. Jesus revealed His mission to this...
  11. Bob S

    Thoughts about the confusing word: "Law"

    Did I write "in any manner"? Why do I have to always correct your posts? We are free to worship corporately any time we please. If you choose Saturday, I certainly do not have any qualms. You have yet to answer correctly when Gentile nations were required to observe the laws given to the...
  12. Bob S

    Thoughts about the confusing word: "Law"

    Do you believe Paul was Jesus' ambassador to all mankind? It seems like you downgrade him and in fact, if you really believe in him, you would not be posting all of the fallacies you have been. Since you don't believe he was writing the truth you won't consider the following: 6 Who also hath...
  13. Bob S

    Works Relation to Salvation

    Tell us when Jeremiah's prophesy of a new covenant will come? You know a covenant that will not be like the one given to Israel.
  14. Bob S

    Thoughts about the confusing word: "Law"

    There is no such thing as a "pagan Christian". Jesus came and fulfilled the Law. Paul plainly states that mankind is not under the laws of the old covenant and that includes the laws concerning Sabbath keeping. Mankind is free to worship corporately any day we choose because we are not under...
  15. Bob S

    Works Relation to Salvation

    You are correct, I let comments like you make run-off like water on a duck's back. I just opened the way for you to apologize and you failed. Why do you insist on creating lies? Israel has already failed and Jesus came to redeem them. So far that isn't working very well. Another misnomer...
  16. Bob S

    Works Relation to Salvation

    Hi spark, It seems like there is an exception to any rule and of course, you would find one. If you remember God told the Israelites to remain in their dwellings on the Sabbath. Are you able to locate where God released them from that rule? There isn't any indication any other person was even...
  17. Bob S

    The Danger of "Keeping Sabbath."

    Of course he is. That happens when one does not understand the covenants. People become pseudo-judges of others.
  18. Bob S

    The Danger of "Keeping Sabbath."

    The reason is that Jesus fulfilled the old covenant at Calvary, ushered in the new and better covenant, and ratified it with His own blood. Gal 3 is a great read. Paul identifies the Galatians as foolish for forsaking Grace for the laws of the old covenant. He went on to tell us the Law WAS...
  19. Bob S

    The Danger of "Keeping Sabbath."

    John tells us in 1Jn 3:19-24 that we belong to the TRUTH if we believe in Jesus and love others as He loves us. All the other "things" people do does not earn salvation.
  20. Bob S

    The Danger of "Keeping Sabbath."

    Jesus said He came to fulfill the Law and the Prophets. He brought to an end the Law and the prophecies about Him. Those who insist on adhering to the old covenant laws that Jesus came to do away are not honoring Him. Jews are no longer obligated to "keep" days. All mankind are now free to...