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  1. klutedavid

    Was the Great Pyramid Built Before Noah's Flood?

    I would disagree. There are many books written about Jesus in which a person can hear the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  2. klutedavid

    Was the Great Pyramid Built Before Noah's Flood?

    But the prophecies of Jesus won't save you.
  3. klutedavid

    Dear Protestants ... please explain John 1:42

    The text does not clarify whether Peter, was directly or indirectly, telling the Gentiles to live like Jews. Interesting though, is that Paul includes the Jerusalem church in his letter to the Galatians. Obviously, Paul is warning the Galatians about the source of that legalism. Paul is...
  4. klutedavid

    Dear Protestants ... please explain John 1:42

    My mistake, thanks. Peter was not following the law himself but was compelling the Gentiles, to follow the law. That is why Paul confronted Peter at Antioch.
  5. klutedavid

    Question on the Holy Spirit and Biblical Interpretation

    How does the Nicene Creed not mention the word, 'grace', even once? The word, 'grace', is mentioned around 114 times in the New Testament. It is probably the most important single word in the New Testament. Ephesians 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not of...
  6. klutedavid

    Well this is interesting. Banned baby names.

    In the telephone directory there was a doctor whose last name was 'Death'. There was a Catholic Cardinal in the Philippines whose name was Sin. There was a German girl in the girls school opposite ours. Her name was Fach. The problem was the 'a' is pronounced as a 'u' in German. That was a...
  7. klutedavid

    Is it wrong to drive luxury car

    Because jets produce far too much C02. You must be in denial of climate change. Mwhaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
  8. klutedavid

    Is it wrong to drive luxury car

    You can drive an expensive car, a private jet would be pushing the issue.
  9. klutedavid

    Dear Protestants ... please explain John 1:42

    All of them. You were stoned for every transgression of the Ten, in the Old and New Testament. You were also stoned for other offences such as sorcery, e.t.c. Disobedience to the law is sin, sin is transgression of the law. Everyone on earth has already been condemned. Romans 3:9-18 What...
  10. klutedavid

    Dear Protestants ... please explain John 1:42

    Yes, that is what the text states. No one can successfully navigate the law, not even Peter. The law only notifies you of your transgression. The law does not grant righteousness nor salvation. I believe the law was there for the Lord to fulfill, the rest of us were all condemned by the...
  11. klutedavid

    Dear Protestants ... please explain John 1:42

    Obviously, if your into witchcraft and getting drunk multiple times a week. Submitting false tax returns and stealing from the boss. You may not be saved, I agree. Most of those deeds of the flesh are not even mentioned in the letter of the law, much less the ten commandments. I cannot...
  12. klutedavid

    Dear Protestants ... please explain John 1:42

    Depends which set of commandments, you think, the apostles are referring to? 1 John 3:23-24 This is His commandment, that we believe in the name of His Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, just as He commanded us. The one who keeps His commandments abides in Him, and He in him. We know by...
  13. klutedavid

    Dear Protestants ... please explain John 1:42

    Peter was a sinner, a transgressor, disobedient to the law. Luke 5:8 When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus’ knees. “Go away from me, Lord,” he said, “for I am a sinful man.” Peter lived exactly the same way as the Gentiles lived, without the law. Peter was disobedient to the law. The...
  14. klutedavid

    Dear Protestants ... please explain John 1:42

    You are under the law. The ten commandments are the law. This means that you are not under grace.
  15. klutedavid

    Dear Protestants ... please explain John 1:42

    What you said in your post is not correct. Jews and Gentiles cannot associate with one another, marry, and never eat together. The Gentiles are unclean, uncircumcised, filthy sinners, dogs. Acts 10:28-29 And he said to them, “You yourselves know that it is forbidden for a Jewish man to...
  16. klutedavid

    What is the object of the Law? Obedience or Love ???

    A very good question.
  17. klutedavid

    Dear Protestants ... please explain John 1:42

    Interesting reply. How about we dial up the difficulty level. Are you under the law, i.e., the ten commandments?
  18. klutedavid

    Dear Protestants ... please explain John 1:42

    Let me ask you a simple question. Are you under the law?
  19. klutedavid

    Dear Protestants ... please explain John 1:42

    Of course, Peter was siding with legalism.