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  1. D

    Is it wrong for a Christian that is dating more than one person to kiss them both in the mouth ?

    Be hard for me... wrong or even sin? lol no. Just don't want to lead someone on..
  2. D

    Just want to wish you all an awesome weekend!

    Guess we be be childish some times.. I am rubber your glue what ever you say bonuses off me sticks to you ;) Ah.. right back at you.. thank you bless you
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    Prayers for heartbreak

    you got it. You are never ever alone.... know somewhere right now someone is praying for you :)
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    Its written who ever calls on the name of the lord shall be delivered. God said that not man and GOD can not lie. YES it is that easy because did He not say to Sarah "what is to hard for the lord?" :) So KNOW He kept His word no matter what you feel like walk by faith. He gave you all power all...
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    Who is my neighbor?

    Well if we think about what the NT says about the world, sinners and not be around them. What business does the light have with darkness? "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with...
  6. D

    What are signs a Christian is becoming worldly ?

    Well before you knew God how did you live? Even if you didn't sin before knowing Christ you were worldly. You know there was :) Christian site and this girl was praising the lord because she prayed about something and He answered it. One would think on a Christian site that would be front page...
  7. D

    please pray for my husband and family (financial, medical issues)

    Praying.. know God is for you not against you. Know that when you ask Him He WILL open all the doors and receive His peace. Christ said my peace I leave with you. You can do anything to get it but just receive. Know that you do have favor with the lord and He WILL open all the doors in JESUS...
  8. D

    Was King David a good example for Christians?

    That man knew faith. Psa 4 read it. At first its hear me when I call now keep reading later says I know you will hear me when I call. That was OT there are so many more David said. Do we know He hears us? We should no.
  9. D

    Can I ask God to make me hit lottery?

    HAHA I like that! I don't think so..
  10. D

    Different kinds of healing?

    Ever think about the Lords prayer and when it says forgive us Father of our... as we forgive those that. That was said under the law now if we jump to say the Eph and it says "forgive one another as God for Christ sake "has" forgiven you". Nothing wrong with praying the lords prayer but it was...
  11. D

    Is this transgender woman displaying toxic masculinity?

    Older video and he was just being a guy which he is
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    Can anyone enlighten me as to what happened? Was it the event condemning me? Was this experience supernatural?

    John 3:16-17 "For God so loved the world that he gave* his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him." "There is therefore now no...
  13. D

    Why shouldn't Christians date unbelievers?

    With one Christ is everything they do think hear say. Now the world there is Christ no rules so to speak and were told not to be friends with the wicked the unrighteous the sinner. The lie will come "I can change them I can save them". A lie. See God has something better if the enemy put that...
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    Who are the real prophets?

    Why do see the false ones first? How can we know the false with out knowing the true prophet first? I know more true then false.
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    Charismatic movement?

    Been around it.. yes amen! Love it
  16. D

    “The Lost”

    Yes there is a book of life and many many more books like the Lambs book :) Once your in that.. there is no "blotted out" scripture. I think maybe your looking at this wrong. Flip it. We are in for a shock at who is in heaven. Its the heart your not seeing
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    Nuclear weapons in the end times?

    When it was first written they would have no idea what could strip away all flesh. We have weapons that do that very thing. Its coming. Is it not written
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    Co-Worker/Friend is a Medium

    Just shine He that is in you. Each day ask the holy Spirit to lead and guide you and your words. For me this is all that matters not being friends. Its to shine Christ. See He is in you and there really is a light in you that shines. I would always let them know who it is I love the most. You...
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    Answered prayer

    HAHA.. yes AMEN. Oh but all of heaven knows
  20. D

    Made in His image and likeness to move

    Hmm praise God never seen it translated that way "image" in org Hebrew.