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  1. D

    lesson to be made

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    lesson to be made

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    i'm so proud of you!
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    Jesus lover here!!

    aww.. God loves you too!
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    Jesus lover here!!

    thank you! :)
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    Jesus lover here!!

    thank you and gorgeous pic!
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    Jesus lover here!!

    aww.. thank you!
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    Jesus lover here!!

  9. D

    lesson to be made

    thank you1
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    lesson to be made

    okay. thx for the reply! :)
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    i would like to encorage ppl out there to love each other and put ona smile everytime and forgive others, even if it really hurts. - Deli
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    give thanks

    i would like to thank all of the soilders out there who are protecting our countries. thank you!! any soilders here? plz reply!
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    What good books ya'l read?

    i read a great book called, vampier stalker. but i don't know other great books. plz help! :)
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    lesson to be made

    i learned an important lesson. lesson is don't lesson to others' opinons instead listen to your heart. so if you're a gullibal person, listen to your heart! your heart is always right! :preach: God bless ya'l !
  15. D

    Jesus lover here!!

    hey, my real name's Diana Do, but call me Deli plz. fav color: pink fav food: bread fav movie: The Last Song, Paranormal Activity series fav books: dairy of wimpy kid series fav genres for mov and books: romance, comedy, thriller,horror fav actress: miley cyrus fav music type...