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  1. RileyG

    SC Senate Passes Bill Banning Affirmative Care For Minors

    A male will never be a woman no matter how loud he screams. LGBT, please leave children alone. When they grow up to be adults, they will make their own choices. It’s not hard.
  2. RileyG

    Dementia doctor explains what is happening to Trump and Biden

    My grandmother died when I was 9 and she was 88. According to the doctors, her brain was an enigma. She thought she was a teenager and my late grandfather would ask her on a date, she missed her parents for not seeing them so long, she cried thinking my grandfather left her even though he died...
  3. RileyG

    SC Senate Passes Bill Banning Affirmative Care For Minors

    Correct! [Which is why, from my perspective and based on simple science and logic, will never call a male a woman even if he “identifies” as one. I’ll only use women for adult females only ;) Can I identify as 80 because I feel like I’m 80 or identify as an 80 year old? Of course not! The...
  4. RileyG

    SC Senate Passes Bill Banning Affirmative Care For Minors

    Fair enough. I don’t know how that particular change would occur, but ok.
  5. RileyG

    SC Senate Passes Bill Banning Affirmative Care For Minors

    No. I haven’t had any contact with them for a very long time. And, they’re men.
  6. RileyG

    Good Guy with a Gun Prevents Teen from Returning Malfunctioning Airsoft Pistol to Sporting Goods Store

    I’ve had zero experience with guns, have NO interest in guns, and know absolutely nothing. I wouldn’t wish ANYONE be in a life or death situation. That’s terrifying.
  7. RileyG

    SC Senate Passes Bill Banning Affirmative Care For Minors

    #1. They’re obviously their biological sex. They shouldn’t be a angry with others, but accept the fact they are truly men and NOT women. #2. You mean men PRETENDING to be women? At least four.
  8. RileyG

    SC Senate Passes Bill Banning Affirmative Care For Minors

    Women literally never means male child. A woman is an adult human female. A male child is a young boy, not yet a man. Good grief.
  9. RileyG

    SC Senate Passes Bill Banning Affirmative Care For Minors

    Why would they be so angry? They know it’s wrong. Trans people get angry when people “misgender” them because they know they truly aren’t the opposite gender and their fantasy isn’t real. If a biological woman is called sir, she’ll laugh it off. If a “trans woman” is called sir, he’ll get...
  10. RileyG

    SC Senate Passes Bill Banning Affirmative Care For Minors

    Their own conscience. They know it’s wrong. They’re just too prideful (pardon the pun) to actually admit it to themselves.
  11. RileyG

    SC Senate Passes Bill Banning Affirmative Care For Minors

    I think 99.999% involved in the LGBT “community” know what they are doing is inherently wrong. Which is why they get so angry when others don’t approve of their choices. It’s their own guilty conscience that is bothering them. They made their own hell. They choose to create hell for others...
  12. RileyG

    REILLY's CCCVI - the Bard's Residence

    Have a great weekend!
  13. RileyG

    Melinda Gates, a Catholic, to give millions to fund abortion throughout the world

    It personally drives me nuts when the so called pro-choice crowd claims pro-life people don’t care about children when many organizations have done countless things for many children and families. I think the pro-abortion crowd wants to make themselves feel less guilty by making up lies. Those...
  14. RileyG

    Good Guy with a Gun Prevents Teen from Returning Malfunctioning Airsoft Pistol to Sporting Goods Store

    I feel really uneducated for asking, but how much harm can BB guns do?
  15. RileyG

    Good Guy with a Gun Prevents Teen from Returning Malfunctioning Airsoft Pistol to Sporting Goods Store

    Ah, yes. I don’t drive because I have a panic disorder. I knew a young man who died when he was 21 as a result of car accident due to horrible weather. Driving isn’t a right. It’s a special privilege.
  16. RileyG

    SC Senate Passes Bill Banning Affirmative Care For Minors

    A woman is an adult female human. It’s been that way since time immemorial, until the trans activist demand we accept their delusion. Even if I knew a trans person, which I do, it doesn’t change the fact they are truly their own biological sex, and any claim they are the other gender is just a...