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  1. aggie03

    Brother's Only Meetings.

    I personally don't think "brothers only" meetings are Biblical. That doesn't necessarily mean they're wrong, but I don't think it's a practice that we see in the Bible. For example, in Acts 15, it was the entire church that decided on the issue of what to do with the Gentiles. They were lead by...
  2. aggie03

    Brother's Only Meetings.

    I don't think this requirsan actual law to be written. The Law can say things without have specific words spelled out if the general teaching of an idea is present. If Paul meant that the Law specifically spelled out the "submission" practice he is appealing to, then he would be easily and...
  3. aggie03

    Jesus and Sabbath

    If you are referring to keeping Saturday as a special day, then that is required by no Christian. But there is a Sabbath that remains for the people of God, which you can read about in Hebrews chapter 4. Go check that out, and you will seek that the Old Testament was looking forward to the...
  4. aggie03

    Formal Debate - Baptism for the Remission of Sin

    1. I’m not saying that history is unimportant, in deed I think the whole of early Christians history is on my side of the matter, but ultimately it doesn’t matter what people have done throughout religious history, nor what any people, scholars or otherwise, may be ignorant of concerning...
  5. aggie03

    The "Righteous" Lie (Lying is always a sin)

    You bring up good points, which I think everyone would benefit from if we had a discussion about it. We don't need to have a formal debate setup. We can have a formal debate thread with responses back and forth about the question. That's probably the best way to "talk things out" and see what...
  6. aggie03

    The "Righteous" Lie (Lying is always a sin)

    So are you interested in having a debate about it? Sounds like you'd be willing to argue that it's all right to lie sometimes.
  7. aggie03

    The "Righteous" Lie (Lying is always a sin)

    Is anybody up for this?
  8. aggie03

    Is it possible to be non-creedal?

    If he were "Spirit-led", then he would have justification for creating the creed from the word of God, not just a feeling that he ought to do it. The lack of discernment among the modern church is very disturbing; claims abound concerning the Holy Spirit that are anything but holy. Surely, the...
  9. aggie03

    Formal Debate - Baptism for the Remission of Sin

    Resolved: “Baptism is commanded by God for the remission of sins. Baptism plays a critical part in salvation and is something all who would become Christians must do.” Terms defined: Baptism: The Greek word βαπτίζω (baptizō) appears frequently in the NT text with primarily the two following...
  10. aggie03

    I would like to debate ALL RockNRoll being very dangerous to every society

    I'll talk with you about it, but we have to frame the discussion with two different resolutions. First resolution: "Rock music (all rock music) has Satanic origins and detrimentally affects God's design and plan for humanity, namely through deceit and other schemes it confounds the masses...
  11. aggie03

    Calvinism In The Restoration Movement?

    Not sure what you mean by that. Calvinism and Arianism have fundamentally different assumptions about central teachings, like the ability to choose to follow God. They cannot both be right. If, however, you mean that we must choose to obey God but can, at the same time, know that we have...
  12. aggie03

    I would like to debate ALL RockNRoll being very dangerous to every society

    All rock and roll, including "religious" music?
  13. aggie03

    Is it possible to be non-creedal?

    I'm not trying to be sharp, and you can't hear my tone of voice through typed words, but I assure you that I'm not attacking you personally. However, that doesn't change that we need to stand against things that are false and prove those things that are true. We both have to do that. I haven't...
  14. aggie03

    Formal Debate - Baptism for the Remission of Sin

    Thank you for getting this started. The first post will be coming shortly, Lord willing. There are a couple of minor updates that need to be mentioned to help with those who will be reading along: The first affirmative will be by Aggie03 with the format listed above with the following...
  15. aggie03

    The importance of sex in a Christian marriage

    There are some very important things about marriage that the Bible talks about: Malachi 2:15: "Did he not make them one, with a portion of the Spirit in their union? And what was the one God seeking? Godly offspring. So guard yourselves in your spirit, and let none of you be faithless to the...
  16. aggie03

    Is it possible to be non-creedal?

    One of us is right, or we're both wrong. If either of us lacks the desire to come to an understanding of what the Scriptures teach, then that's sinful. You don't need to change my opinion, but you need to be able to prove from the Scriptures that creeds, written documents formally outlining and...
  17. aggie03

    Is it possible to be non-creedal?

    You've taken that passage out of context and, if you desire, we can go look through the passage and talk about what it's really saying. The fact still stands that the written statement of faith for Christians is and should only be the Bible. Anything other than that is redundant and...
  18. aggie03

    Is it possible to be non-creedal?

    I decided to go through point by point and show where I have issue with what you said. First, your statement here is in direct contradiction with the definition of a creed. The fact that someone believes something in wise makes it a creed, as the English word is defined. A creed is more than...