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  1. Mockingbird0

    Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew hopes for ‘unified date’ for Easter in East and West

    He should announce that he will maintain communion with Orthodox provinces that, like Finland, adopt the Gregorian calendar.
  2. Mockingbird0

    How can Easter come before Passover in 2024?

    The practice that was deprecated at Nicea was used in Syria, not in Asia Minor. It was the practice of setting Easter to the Sunday falling in the Jewish week of Unleavened Bread, even if that meant that Easter would fall before the Spring equinox. The Council ruled that independent...
  3. Mockingbird0

    White House Bans ‘Religious Symbols’ From Annual Easter Egg Decorating Event

    The midwinter date for Christmas originates with Christian storytellers of the 2nd century. They told the tale that Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist, was not only a priest, but the high priest, and that his vision of the angel Gabriel (Luke 1.11) was on the Day of Atonement, around the...
  4. Mockingbird0

    What Are the Catholic Origins of Easter Traditions?

    Jakob Grimm proposed that there had been a Germanic goddess named "Ostara" but this thesis does not appear anywhere, so far as I know, in Grimm's Fairy Tales. In the Rabbinic Jewish calendar, in three years out of every nineteen, the Feast of Unleavened Bread happens at the second full moon...
  5. Mockingbird0

    Does Holy Week always begin with a full moon?

    March 21 is the ecclesiastical equinox.
  6. Mockingbird0

    How can Easter come before Passover in 2024?

    The Rabbinic Jewish calendar has a slight solar drift which causes it, in 3 years out of every 19, to set the Feast of Unleavened Bread to the second full moon after the Spring equinox. Meanwhile the Gregorian lunar calendar sets the Paschal Full Moon (the 14th of Christian Nisan) to the first...
  7. Mockingbird0

    Passovers this year, 2024

  8. Mockingbird0

    Passovers this year, 2024

  9. Mockingbird0

    Anglo-Catholic Questions

    My parents are Anglo-Catholics. They differ from other Episcopalians only in how the liturgy of their parish church includes the traditional Latin minor propers (at least sometimes translated into English) and (at least in the past) some additional elements of Roman Catholic ceremonial. I have...
  10. Mockingbird0

    When did the official Church of England start?

    I will go with St. Augustine and St. Aidan too, though as others have pointed out there are threads of continuity with the Christianity of Roman Britain, such as devotion to St. Alban.
  11. Mockingbird0

    Good Friday - beliefs.

    Is it in the Mishnah?
  12. Mockingbird0

    Easter Origins Pagan?

  13. Mockingbird0

    Good Friday - beliefs.

    Was the fast of the firstborn practiced in the first century? I know of no source documenting this.
  14. Mockingbird0

    Easter Origins Pagan?

    "The" pagan calendar? There was no single pagan calendar. Every nation had its own. Many of the Roman and Greek gods had fertility aspects but I know of no documented ritual in their honor involving eggs or hares. Can you provide documentation of pagan rituals involving eggs or hares?
  15. Mockingbird0

    teresa of ávila

    She never wrote: "Christ has no body now but yours", though the words are often attributed to her.
  16. Mockingbird0

    The Fascinating World of Eastern Orthodox Old Calendarists

    If the rotation of the earth slows and the period of its revolution stays the same in atomic clock seconds, then the number of mean solar days in a tropical year will decrease, not increase, until finally, it will be always day on one side of the earth and always night on the other side.
  17. Mockingbird0

    The Fascinating World of Eastern Orthodox Old Calendarists

    The controversy at Nicea was not about quartodecimanism. Instead, it was between two schools of Sunday observance: "Jewish calendarists" who wanted to set the Easter festival to the Sunday in the week of Unleavened Bread as calculated by the Jewish calendar, even if that meant that the...
  18. Mockingbird0

    The Fascinating World of Eastern Orthodox Old Calendarists

    A modification of the Rabbinic calendar has been proposed: Rectified Hebrew calendar. But I don't think it will be adopted anytime soon.