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    A Warning from 2 Timothy 4:3 - The Gospel is not a Cafeteria

    Since we live in the Spirit, our ultimate goal is to walk in lock-step with the Spirit. And the list omits the most dangerous false teaching that we must avoid: Stiff-arming the Holy Spirit: The belief that upon the completion of the Cannon, God no longer leads, guides, directs, teaches...
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    How to know that it is God talking to you - an example.

    I was at work many years ago writing a computer program when I hit a dead end. I tried everything I could think of to solve the problem, but nothing worked. I was convinced that the language had no feature to solve my problem. But the problem had to be solved. In desperation, I turned to God...
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    Bible Study Tools

    I think you're using it the right way.
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    Bible Study Tools

    I agree with what you're saying. But I don't know the motives of the people using it. Some may be using it out of convenience, while others may be using it out of spite to stir up trouble. I have thought about using it myself, but have not done so yet.
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    Bible Study Tools

    I hope so, but it might be hard to prove or to stop.
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    Bible Study Tools

    Thank you for confirming my suspicion that AI is driving some of the crazy dialogue I have been having in chats lately. I'm not saying you have been doing it, but I believe others have. The hallmark of those chats is a certain disconnect to reality that only comes from not understanding...
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    Enter by the narrow gate

    And I, brethren, if I still preach circumcision, why do I still suffer persecution? Then the offense of the cross has ceased. (Ga 5:11) We see today that the offense of the cross has not ceased.
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    Enter by the narrow gate

    It truly is puzzling why people who are wholly dependent on Christ's forgiveness would abandon it in favor of self-promotion.
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    How would you define trust and faith in regards to being saved?

    Believing in Jesus for salvation has the elements you described (acceptance of the truth about Jesus and confidently relying on Him). There are three passages describing what it takes to be saved that come to mind that have these elements. The first is Romans 10:13-17. It describes in reverse...
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    Miami Meteorologists rebukes DeSantis for scrubbing climate change from state law

    I lived (and played) in Florida as an adult for over 25 years. The only times that I was ever in the "ocean" and felt water that was warmer than my own body temperature was when I was in still waters that were very shallow. Some examples are 1) wading in knee-deep water in Ft. George Inlet at...
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    Exegesis of Galatians 3: The Gospel Came Before The Law

    I would say your analysis is spot-on, with only one tweak. The promise/covenant is specifically stated in Galatians 3:8... And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel to Abraham beforehand, saying, “In you all the nations shall be blessed.”...
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    Fortunately, our loving Heavenly Father chastens us when we go astray in our actions (or our thinking). As a result, we will never wake up one day a million miles away from God without knowing how we got there. 3 For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest...
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    Miami Meteorologists rebukes DeSantis for scrubbing climate change from state law

    Yes, I would say "100 degree ocean water off the coast of Florida" qualifies as climate alarmism.
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    Miami Meteorologists rebukes DeSantis for scrubbing climate change from state law

    Instead of defunding the police, we should defund climate alarmism. Florida gets it.
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    Miami Meteorologists rebukes DeSantis for scrubbing climate change from state law

    Lol, they taught real science when I was in school. Lol, again. That's what "+/- 0.5 degrees Celcius" is. What are they teaching kids today?
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    Miami Meteorologists rebukes DeSantis for scrubbing climate change from state law

    Hockey Stick Graph Nobody told me. Look at it for yourself. What does it say? Answer: "We're all gonna die!" And, let's think about it. Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492. He discovered a whole new world they didn't even know existed. And yet, they had the means to measure global average...
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    Miami Meteorologists rebukes DeSantis for scrubbing climate change from state law

    Yeah, like the demonstrably false hockey stick graph?
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    Miami Meteorologists rebukes DeSantis for scrubbing climate change from state law

    Follow the money. That's the only thing behind global warming hysteria.
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    Why doesn't God reveal himself unequivocally to the entire world?

    The premise is wrong. He does "reveal Himself unequivocally" to every person, and they all get the message... as the following passage clearly demonstrates. 18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in...