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  1. F

    How would you define trust and faith in regards to being saved?

    Ok, or as simple as, "We love Him because He first loved us" 1 John 4:19. I've been dealing with a friend who's lived about as wild and fleshly and licentious and drug-filled a life as one can live but who's Christian now due largely to the fact that I've continued to accept and love her...
  2. F

    How would you define trust and faith in regards to being saved?

    Yes-and God knows that- and is very, very patient.
  3. F

    The Doctrine of the Law and Grace Unfolded: (John Bunyan)

    Yes, it’s very important to understand that the new covenant is not a reprieve from man’s obligation to be righteous/obedient, but rather the authentic means to finally achieve that very thing! So that we may live, no longer controlled by the sin that earns us death! And this is done apart from...
  4. F

    How would you define trust and faith in regards to being saved?

    Good answer! And one that we've discussed earlier here. Love, from man, is what was missing in Eden. Love is what must be patiently cultivated in us by God. Love is what Jesus definitively demonstrated on the cross. Love compels obedience by its nature. Love is what we can be open to now...
  5. F

    How would you define trust and faith in regards to being saved?

    Is this is supposed to address my comment somehow? And how can this happen anyway unless they first know God???? And their purpose, after coming to know and believe in Him is first of all to love Him and neighbor. Fruit flows from there: disciplining, feeding the hungry and clothing the naked...
  6. F

    a New Nature

    And who said otherwise? Either way a person cannot say that they are a person of faith-at least a faith that is worth anything- if they have no good fruit. Their profession of faith will be meaningless, will do them no good. Their faith will be unproductive and won't save them unless it produces...
  7. F

    a New Nature

    I've done that many times in the past even though I know the faith independently of the bible as well as with it-and you've done nothing to address any of it anyway. But even here, on this thread, again, quoting myself: "Now, can the grafted in branch be cut back off? (John 15:2, Rom 11:17-24)...
  8. F

    a New Nature

    Yes, of course. And 1 Cor 12 only says the same thing using different terms.
  9. F


    God's Word wasn't necessarily all recorded in Scripture alone as Scripture, itself, attests. Aside from that the Bereans and the Ethiopian Eunuch, as examples, required help from an outside source, Christ's disciples, in order to correctly understand Scripture. Disagreement over the meaning of...
  10. F

    Why do we receive Grace

    Yes, from the beginning the church has believed and taught that righteousness is given to man at justification as he's made a new creation. It's the seed of God's own life implanted in us now that we've entered His family by faith. Theologians have equated grace, the Holy Spirit, and love as...
  11. F

    Kept By the Power of God

    Thank you this was good. It shows the correct balance between God, who's always there, always trustworthy and true in doing His part, and man, who's constrained by God to play his own part responsibly as well.
  12. F

    a New Nature

    Actually, we have to know what faith is. There's lots of misunderstanding on that matter based on misinterpretations of Scripture. The letter to the Ephesians is all about encouragement, to keep them on the right path. The Holy Spirit is promised, of course, as that's central to the New...
  13. F

    a New Nature

    Nope, quite biblical, and in line with the faith historically understood as well. You've just bought into novel fallacy here and there- and still haven't done your due diligence in researching the faith of those who knew it from the early days of Christianity.
  14. F

    How would you define trust and faith in regards to being saved?

    Oh, we can get tired of the way things are, especially if we've been victims of other’s sins, which we all have been to one degree or another in this life. We also all victimize others to one degree or another as well. But in any case we can certainly at least develop a hunger and thirst for...
  15. F

    How would you define trust and faith in regards to being saved?

    Adam & Eve hadn't yet come to love, to love God and neighbor. That's a tall order for us and presumably one that has been fulfilled by now in them- we can't know at this point, of course. And love produces obedience by its nature. As with all sin, pride is the abuse of a natural, created good...
  16. F

    How would you define trust and faith in regards to being saved?

    My comment concerned the faith, i.e. Christianity, the purpose of which is to introduce us to God, to give us the "knowledge of God" or "knowledge of Christ" as its called in the bible, a knowledge which begins in the head and is meant to move to the heart, increasingly becoming personal...
  17. F

    a New Nature

    Christ died for the sins of all. Whether or not we care, whether or not we respond to His grace, is not entirely left up to Him-because, at His sovereign discretion, He wants our participation-and increasingly so. And that, in fact, is why He allowed man to fall to begin with.
  18. F

    a New Nature

    We have to understand what faith is. Faith is more than the rote act of believing something. Faith is a virtue and as such is, itself, a critical aspect of justice for man. To believe in God is the right thing to do. It’s to be as one with Him, reconciled to Him, in solidarity with Him. It’s to...
  19. F

    How would you define trust and faith in regards to being saved?

    Sin definitely has a purpose, which is to help us finally learn to hate and shun it and so, yes, to turn to God when He calls so that we might be forgiven of it and overcome it. This is to choose good over evil, this is to choose God, the ultimate Good, over evil. So God let us touch the hot...
  20. F

    How would you define trust and faith in regards to being saved?

    Maybe I misread. I'll go back and revisit later. Work calls now, dang it.