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  1. S

    Jewish calendar

    I'm interested in this because if you could figure out the time of year Zechariah entered the temple to offer incense in Luke's gospel, you could figure out about the time of year Jesus was born. Does anyone know if that's really possible ?
  2. S

    Jewish calendar

    Oh I see in the article the lunar year is actually about 11 days shorter instead of 5. I guess when people write about 360 day years or 365 day years the're not being very exact.
  3. S

    Jewish calendar

    My point is the difference between a solar year (365 days) and a lunar year (360 days) is 5 days per year. After 3 years you're behind only 15 days to catch up. Adding an additional month would give 30 days. Looks like you would add an additional month every 6 years instead of after 3. Kind of...
  4. S

    Jewish calendar

    Is it not based on the moon cycles, starting with the new moon ?
  5. S

    Jewish calendar

    I read about the Jewish calendar, the months always start with the new moon, 12 months giving a 360 day year. In order to catch up to a 365 day year, an additional month is added about every 3 years. Wouldn't that give you 30 extra days to catch up in three years when you only need 15 ?
  6. S

    Lazarus and the Rich Man

    The unrealistic depictions in the story give evidence that it was only a parable. Would Abraham be in charge of the afterlife, able to receive requests from people who have passed on? Would people in torment be able to communicate with people in Paradise? Would the rich man tormented in flames...
  7. S

    Absent from the body and someplace else !

    No, you guys just think that if anyone disagrees with you that automatically makes them a sinner. That's being hot headed, close minded and judgmental. Everyone has an interpretation and, you know, you could just give your rebutals without making accusations. It just shows a lack of love and...
  8. S

    Absent from the body and someplace else !

    Your not only being closed minded, your also being judgmental which is a sin ! Repent ! I'm not trying to mock either you or God, I detect no love whatsoever from your posts.
  9. S

    Lazarus and the Rich Man

    I have no doubt this is a parable, but would Jesus use an illustration straight out of paganism to show what happened to Lazarus and the Rich Man after they died? Maby so, but I think a story based on reality would bring the point across better. How would it seem if He used a story about...
  10. S

    Absent from the body and someplace else !

    Oh, I'm perfectly aware of that. However the state existing between the death of our physical body and the resurrection of our new body is that state referred to as being absent, without a body. Being absent doesn't mean non-existance does it? It could mean being in the presense of Christ at...
  11. S

    Absent from the body and someplace else !

    2 Corinthians 4:16 (NKJV) 16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. 2 Corinthians 5:1 (NKJV) 1 For we know that if our earthly house, this tent, is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made...
  12. S

    Was it really Samuel ?

    My only drawback is that the inspired text says that the woman "saw Samuel". It doesn't say she thought she saw him but that in fact she did "see him. Then it says that "Samuel said" not that they thought he said. True God had condemned communication with the dead, but that doesn't mean He...
  13. S

    Was it really Samuel ?

    1 Samuel 28:11-12 (NASB) 11 Then the woman said, "Whom shall I bring up for you?" And he said, "Bring up Samuel for me." 12 When the woman saw Samuel, she cried out with a loud voice; and the woman spoke to Saul, saying, "Why have you deceived me? For you are Saul." 1 Samuel 28:15 (NASB)...
  14. S

    Arminian Presbyterian

    Cumberland Presbyterians do believe in universal atonement, that everyone can be saved. They do tend to believe in OSAS, though, like most Southern Baptists. The belief is that once you're saved, you would never again want to deny your faith. Confession of Faith of the Cumberland Presbyterian...
  15. S

    Universalism and the early Fathers

    Do you all believe that St. Basil, St. Athanasius, and St. Gregory of Nyssa were universalists. That is, they believed in the eventual restoration of all sinners in the long run?
  16. S

    The Council of jerusalem

    Thanks, I guess that explains it as good as anything. I was just wondering why the council would mention just one moral law and leave all the others out. I guess the others were universally accepted by both Jew and Gentile.
  17. S

    The Council of jerusalem

    Well, as i understand it the Jews had certain laws that were "ceremonial" such as circumcision and dietary laws that were not necesarily "moral" like the law of love for God and one's fellow man. When the Gentiles were converted to the Christian faith, some of the Jewish Christians, the majority...
  18. S

    The Council of jerusalem

    Could someone help me out? Did the Council of Jerusalem abolish all Old Covenant law including the Ten Commandments or just parts of the ceremonial law such as the law of circumcision and dietary laws. If it abolished only ceremonial laws, how did obstaining from fornication get mixed up in the...
  19. S

    Did Jesus have a soul?

    Do you mean by this that Jesus was not God when he came as a human being?
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    International Date Line

    QUOTE: The [Def. art.] Sabbath, being the [Def. art.] 7th Day, is "made" [Creation] for "the [Def. art.] man", which "man" is anthropos, and in Ecclesiastes 12:13-14, etc is "Adam" and thus all mankind in him: Mark 2:27 KJV - And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for ["the"] man, and...