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  1. KristianJ

    Dave Matthews Band

    Riiight...interesting place for my first post in 11 months here. But there's some lunatic group of alters spamming and since this thread seems to have a fair bit to do with, seems apt :P TheNewAge, I couldn't help but check out DMBAlmanac and see what the show...
  2. KristianJ

    Andrew Johns caught with ecstasy

    A career where he struggled with drugs and alcohol brings it into more relevance:,22049,22335374-5001021,00.html
  3. KristianJ Logo/Header Competition! 1-year membership, 500,000 blessings, T-shirt!

    Thing is, Erwin, eventually the non-Christian friend is going to be exposed to the Gospel in some way or another. A church that meets in a building that is distinctly a place of Christian meeting (ie. has the symbol of a cross prominently displayed) shouldn't hide that symbol for fear of...
  4. KristianJ

    Hi Everyone! Long Time no See!

    Who are you again? :P I might as well pop my head in because I hardly visit as well. Neens, it's been nearly 2 and a half years...:)
  5. KristianJ

    A new CF, an old vision (3)

    Which is why I sort of believe that CF is bordering on being untenable, no matter what you, me, etc. believe...
  6. KristianJ

    A new CF, an old vision (3) be honest, I would be rather keen to see Erwin's response to this. In some ways it almost reads like "pollie speak", when a political leader makes a reassured promise, only to change his or her mind in the future. Having browsed a bit through what's been said, it almost seems clear...
  7. KristianJ

    A new CF, an old vision (2)

    Read this, and read this carefully, all of you crying little disappointed people, because even though I know it'll do nothing to persuade you to cast aside your stubborn and frankly disappointing self centeredness, it's pretty much true. Your attitude is what seems to be going down the drain...
  8. KristianJ

    The Official Dave Matthews Band Thread (2)

    Ah, yes...the review! :) Well, I got the chance to go to my first DMB concert on Sat night. Overall I was blown away with the setlist and the way in which the guys entertained us. It was 3 hours of awesomeness! Unfortunately I couldn't enjoy it from right up front because Lauren had banged up...
  9. KristianJ

    The Official Dave Matthews Band Thread (2)

    Candice, Bryce, anyone else who was awesome!! I'm writing up a review for and will post it here when I've done :)
  10. KristianJ

    The Official Dave Matthews Band Thread (2)

    Felt compelled to resurrect this thread...mainly since in 6 days time I'll be enjoying the guys and their show in Sydney. Nothing at all is stopping me this time. :D
  11. KristianJ

    Recent Cd purchases (2)

    Tomorrow week...Sydney...nothing's stopping me this time from seeing DMB!! :D
  12. KristianJ

    Recent Cd purchases (2)

    Over the past month or so: Snow Patrol - Eyes Open The Nightwatchman (ie. Tom Morello) - One Man Revolution Jamiroquai - High Times: Singles 1992-2006
  13. KristianJ

    I have sad news ......

    I sent her some mail a couple of years ago and the address she gave me was care of her local post office, I think. ladyhawk would have a better idea though...
  14. KristianJ

    I have sad news ......

    Wow...what sad news. Thanks for letting us know, ladyhawk - if it weren't for those who actually know our fellow members in real life, we would be completely in the dark when it comes to a passing away like this. My thoughts and prayers for Bev's family. :crossrc: :(
  15. KristianJ

    Sounds like Dave Matthews Band?

    Some of the songs on his first album were stylistically pretty similar. But you'll be hard pressed to find anything that's consistently very similar to the overall DMB vibe.
  16. KristianJ

    How closely should one follow the Bible

    2 Timothy 3:16 doesn't leave room for picking and choosing - "ALL scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness..." You have to read it all in the light of the central theme of God revealing himself through Jesus, and Jesus' death for...
  17. KristianJ

    What question will employers ask job seekersion for Jobs

    When you apply for a large amount of jobs in a short period of time, it's always a good idea to keep a record of the advertisement so that you can be familiar with what some of the position attributes are. They'll usually have something within the advertisement, though I know that some can be as...
  18. KristianJ

    Laptop Processor Question

    As the above posts says, yes, and very comfortably. Thing is though, a better CPU won't help you with your games - that's a graphics card issue and you can't change that unless you get a new laptop (or in some cases buy an upgraded motherboard). In regards to Office, unless you would be...
  19. KristianJ

    Laptop Processor Question

    Okay...where to start? I don't know much about the 600m, but looking at a CNet review, it has a Pentium M processor, which is what the Dothan is. There were 2 different "types" of Pentium M processors - the Banias and the Dothan (the differences are probably not as relevant to what we're...
  20. KristianJ

    Wierd ebay item for sale

    It's a bear if anything...^_^