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  1. andreha

    should I take my pastor's advice?

    This is an incredibly tough one for a human to field. Ask the Holy Sprit directly to convict you of sin, and guide to in all truth. If it still feels wrong then stop, otherwise continue. He is our source of truth, and will never fail.
  2. andreha

    My mom died today

    I am so bitterly sorry, my dear brother. Dry your tears and remember, this is not farewell. You will see her again. Just hold on to Jesus to comfort you through this intense pain. I pray for you...
  3. andreha


    As of late, things have started changing in my life. Yes, I have come to Christ at age 5, and my life never was the same after that. In my 20's, I rediscovered who the Holy Spirit is, what His role is in our lives, and how we are welcome to ask Him directly to lead and guide us. And now, after...
  4. andreha

    The Danger of Creationism

    That Zulu translator is broken, badly broken. And I wasn't laughing at you, but with you. Because that statement would have caused me to spit my coffee all over the keyboard.
  5. andreha

    The Danger of Creationism

    My bad. I need to sit further away from my monitor when having you, especially in this forum.^_^
  6. andreha

    The Danger of Creationism

    Oh that. That's abbreviated English for: Rolling On The Floor Laughing Out Loud Spitting My Coffee All Over The Keyboard.
  7. andreha

    The Danger of Creationism

    *ROTFLOLSMCAOTK* That's a good one.^_^ Seriously though, I've been called weird, over the top, a satanist, posessed, etc. etc. I'm one of those weirdos who prefer to (try and)practice instead of preaching.
  8. andreha

    The Danger of Creationism

    Actually, I've also been sleeping in every Sunday as of late. To be honest, I'm not a big fan of Churchianity. ^_^
  9. andreha

    Mom is doing well

    Amen, praise be to God our Creator.
  10. andreha

    The Danger of Creationism

    Methinks I should start a thread on the dangers of Atheism. Bwaaaahhaaahahhahaa *Spits coffee all over keyboard*
  11. andreha

    Calling all Word of Faith

    Amen and Amen. Like this time I crossed paths with a Catholic believer. She was such a loving, gentle person that it made me marvel. So, a few minutes into the conversation, after quite a bit of hesitation, I tell her "You know, one thing that God loves very much about you personally is your...
  12. andreha

    A to Z: Stupid Names for a Cat

  13. andreha

    are Jehovah witnesses Christian?

    Exactly. Reject Jesus and you reject the Father also.
  14. andreha

    The illusion of social media

    It certainly is. It gives people a warped picture of life. And then we make the mistake of comparing ourselves to that. So, it really is a double negative effect. It can break people who pretend like that. That's why I shun social media altogether. No Facebook, no Twitter, no Snapchat. CF is the...
  15. andreha

    Five Letters Easy Game...Fun!!!!!!!! :D

    Father Emanates Love Over Nations. LONAT
  16. andreha

    Anyone else ever been called to workplace ministry?

    Ahh yes. I wouldn't be surprised if they have 100 angry Rottweilers.
  17. andreha

    Five Letters Easy Game...Fun!!!!!!!! :D

    Transform And Recreate All Nations TFORM
  18. andreha

    I need help in making sense of all this.

    Gather all your energy and ask the Holy Spirit to help you, directly. He is with you, waiting to be part of your life. He'll uplift you and console you, while revealing the love of God to you.
  19. andreha

    Anyone else ever been called to workplace ministry?

    Thank you for that bro. My only challenge would be that those areas are extremely dangerous. Violence and lawlessness over there is way out of control. The media is very silent on that.
  20. andreha

    My Special Quotes

    Amen and Amen.