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  1. JimR-OCDS

    International Criminal Court seeks arrest warrants for Israeli, Hamas leaders

    Hamas rejects the two-state solution and it's been their argument that there is no state of Palestine and never has been. Hamas controls the narrative here. What Hamas rejects is what Palestinians must also reject and of course, they reject the right of Israel to exist.
  2. JimR-OCDS

    How can Christians graciously & compassionately argue against homosexuality, adultery, perversion, sexual assualt, rape, abortion alcohol and/or drug

    Narcistic Compassion isn't compassion, but self-righteousness. Love doesn't mean affirming immoral behavior, but supporting what is true and moral. Mankind has had homosexual orientation since the beginning of time, just as other disorders. However, same-sex unions do not make them...
  3. JimR-OCDS

    How do you explain the existence of evil, despite God being almighty, and all knowing, and perfect love?

    True freedom isn't the privilege of having the choice between good and evil, but the ability to choose only good. No one chooses evil knowing that it will be bad for themselves. Instead, we choose evil thinking it will somehow benefit us. We lost the ability to see good only when Adam and Eve...
  4. JimR-OCDS

    California teacher fired for religious beliefs gets six-figure payout in court

    The gender ideology used in society today is denial of biological reality. You are born male or female and this is how society treats you, regardless of how you feel about your gender.
  5. JimR-OCDS

    JK Rowling calls 'crossdressing' men 'one of the most pandered-to demographics in existence'

    God created mankind in his image; in the image of God he created them; male and female* he created them. Genisis 1:27 God created male and female. Genisis 5:2 Does this somehow exclude gender? Noone thinks so other than those who want the world to accept their ideology that gender and sex...
  6. JimR-OCDS


    Not all Jews, just the hierarchy of the Jerusalem Temple, during Christ time on earth. Jesus along with the 12 Apostles and the first Christians of the Early Church were all Jewish.
  7. JimR-OCDS

    Muslim explains why they vote Democrat in America. To make America Muslim.

    She lived in Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Kenya, and raised Muslim. she had experience not just in Wahabism. While in Saudi Arabia, Hirsi Ali attended the English-language Muslim Girls' Secondary School. She experienced beatings and female circumcision on her by her grandmother. Her father was a...
  8. JimR-OCDS

    Muslim explains why they vote Democrat in America. To make America Muslim.

    So, you didn't watch the entire video, eh? She talked generally about Islam overall, not just her own experience with Islam growing up in Samalia. Do you think Nazism was embraced by the majority of Germans in the beginning? The same is true of Islam, the majority will be controlled by the...
  9. JimR-OCDS

    Muslim explains why they vote Democrat in America. To make America Muslim.

    Watch the interview of Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a former Muslim, Atheist and now Christian. She explains the culture of Islam and how they with the left are anti-Judeo/Chistian values which built the west.
  10. JimR-OCDS

    Muslim explains why they vote Democrat in America. To make America Muslim.

    Neither do I! However, when I see college students protesting and tearing down the American flag and replacing it with a Palestinian Flag and yelling Death to Jews and the United States, I draw a line.
  11. JimR-OCDS

    Muslim explains why they vote Democrat in America. To make America Muslim.

    The travel ban Trump put in place was only on some Islamic nations like Samalia. It was dangerous for Americans to travel to some Islamic areas. The left puts forth the misinformation that Trump banned all travel to Islamic nations, and was far from the truth.
  12. JimR-OCDS


    The Abraham Accords were the beginning of peace between Israel and the Arab nations. It was drawn up and agreed upon during the Trump administration which would've finally brought peace between Israel and the Arab nations. When Joe Biden got elected as president, he let the Abraham Accords go by...
  13. JimR-OCDS

    Life Site News Favors a State Church

    Lifesitenews lacks credibility, always has. It's purely anti-Pope Francis. Here's some evidence;
  14. JimR-OCDS

    Prominent Catholics urge bishops, cardinals to declare Francis has ‘lost the papal office’ if he refuses to resign

    Most Catholics never heard of him, so he's hardly a prominent Catholic and certainly not a voice for the Catholic Church.
  15. JimR-OCDS

    Rev. Franklin Graham: Boy Scouts Program Lost Its Way

    The troops in my hometown have posted pictures on their participation in various events. It is predominately girls, not boys involved with the previously called, Boy Scouts of America. The Girl Scout leaders have refused to allow boys in and will retain their organization for girls only. They...
  16. JimR-OCDS

    This one really has me stumped guys

    Scripture the Angel Gabrielle told Mary that she would conceive by the Holy Spirit. Doesn't sound like biological copulation to me.
  17. JimR-OCDS

    Baptized on Easter - Thanks to this webpage!

    Welcome to Christ and His Church.
  18. JimR-OCDS

    This one really has me stumped guys

    As I understand it, the Shroud of Turin and St Veronica's Veil, has the same blood-type on them, and only the female chromosome. Jesus was not conceived biologically by a male, but by the Holy Spirit. Therefore, Jesus would only have the female chromosome from Mary.