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  1. marksman007

    Atheist Universe: Not Impossible

    I think it is quite arrogant of you to order me around on this forum. I will post what I want to post and not post what I don't want to post. It is known as free speech. I don't have the time to go back to my university and pour over the catalogue to identify the books I borrowed when I was a...
  2. marksman007

    Atheist Universe: Not Impossible

    Belk, you are priceless!!!!
  3. marksman007

    Atheist Universe: Not Impossible

    Thankyou Moonlancer for enumerating your assumptions. I am aware of them as I have heard and read them numerous times here and other places. I do not subscribe to them because I have met the God of heaven who has revealed his word and his way to me. I am content in that because it gives me...
  4. marksman007

    Atheist Universe: Not Impossible

    591 I understand where you are coming from but you need to understand that it is not where I am coming from. My bible teaches me "Faith makes us sure of what we hope for and gives us proof of what we cannot see. Because of our faith, we know that the world was made at God's command. We also...
  5. marksman007

    Atheist Universe: Not Impossible

    551: Thankyou for asking. I will in the space available and so as not to bore your with intermingable notes, explain things as I have experienced and see them. Pornography is a substitute for reality. Many who look at it project the unreality of it onto others and expect the unreality to...
  6. marksman007

    Atheist Universe: Not Impossible

    562. Thankyou for your reply. I will endeavour to respond to the best of my ability. If I select the wrong God the same scenario stands. I have wasted 70 years, because the afterlife does not exist with any other God in the way that it does with the one true God which I worship. The question...
  7. marksman007

    Atheist Universe: Not Impossible

    Thankyou for asking. I will try and explain it to you. We all have a belief system which informs our world view. In the context of this discussion, the atheist has a world view that says logic and science gives them all the answers. For the Christian, his world view is informed by the Bible...
  8. marksman007

    Atheist Universe: Not Impossible

    Thankyou for asking. I can explain it in a bit more detail. I realise being an atheists, you do not have the same grasp of the spirit world as a Christian does so I do not expect you to understand what I am saying, but it has to be said that we believe this and have no reason to believe...
  9. marksman007

    What value is Homosexuality to society?

    The link directs me to page 12 and on that page are the following posts....111-Argent Bear; 112-Little Nipper; 113-Belk; 114-Gishin; 115-Little Nipper; 116-Little Nipper; 117-God'sChild; 118-Lady Kate; 119-Zaac; 120-Little Nipper. I think your quote applies to you.
  10. marksman007

    What value is Homosexuality to society?

    As if that is going to bother me.
  11. marksman007

    What value is Homosexuality to society?

    If you believe God's word that you are chosen before the foundation of the world as I do because I find the bible very reliable, it is impossible for anyone who is chosen to be turned off. The only reason they would be turned off is due to the fact that they are not chosen and the reason they...
  12. marksman007

    What value is Homosexuality to society?

    I doubt the 40 years experience bit as you are only 22. Having been in senior management of multi-million dollar companies, I learnt that there are two ways you can learn. The hard way and the easy way.The hard way is to ignore eveyone else and do your own thing. The easy way is to learn from...
  13. marksman007

    What value is Homosexuality to society?

    There is no post by todd on that page.
  14. marksman007

    What value is Homosexuality to society?

    I did no such thing.
  15. marksman007

    What value is Homosexuality to society?

    Even though you said in the quote "you didn't quote me"
  16. marksman007

    What value is Homosexuality to society?

    First, thankyou for the techincal advice. My ignorance in this matter is very evidence.Second, Your God is too small. Being a Calvinist, a person who is going to be saved will be saved because he has been chosen before the foundation of the world. Very often what happens in the kingdom of God...
  17. marksman007

    What value is Homosexuality to society?

    Thanks for that. I didn't know about that facility. As I said before, your four bits of evidence are not evidence they are opinions. Read the post about it and you will se why.
  18. marksman007

    What value is Homosexuality to society?

    491: It is interesting that you keep trying to claim Paul to "prove" you are doing it the right way yet Paul did exactly what you are condemning GodsChild for. RESPONSE: I do not think that I have ever referred to Paul other than to say that sin was not on the menu. If you can find any other...
  19. marksman007

    What value is Homosexuality to society?

    491: I also have to agree with GodsChild that your methods of trying to preach the word are counter-productive. Part of it is that you've been shown how various of your sources flat out lie, yet you continue to repost them even after having it shown to you that they are false. But most of it is...