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  1. AetheriusLamia

    What glue should I use to re-attach the corpus to the crucifix?

    How do I remove the old glue? Doesn't "rough up the metal" mean damaging it? Why is that necessary?
  2. AetheriusLamia

    What glue should I use to re-attach the corpus to the crucifix?

    Would you please tell me what glue I should use to reattach this corpus to this crucifix? (See photo.) Could you link me to the product from Could you tell me what materials these appear to be? (Is it olive wood and stainless steel?)
  3. AetheriusLamia

    If God made us, why do humans need to be taught by other humans how to hear God?

    This teaching is common among ministers of Christian churches. I'm considering what I'm being told by others. This is an important point indeed! Biblically it appears to me God defines it as obeying Him, and doesn't really care to talk with us individually the vast majority of the time. Given...
  4. AetheriusLamia

    Please refute the conclusion that Judaism&Christianity are better explained by ancient aliens than Creator God.

    One possible way to rebut this argument may be through a sort of Bayesian probability analysis: Given X how probable is Y? In particular: Aliens doing it is just as unknowable in an empirical sense as God doing it. Functionally (semantically?), then, one is replacing "God" with a different god...
  5. AetheriusLamia

    If God made us, why do humans need to be taught by other humans how to hear God?

    That's fine for general life principles, but I'm suffering not knowing why God allowed certain atrocities to happen, why He's refusing to heal, etc. -- specific answer to specific questions.
  6. AetheriusLamia

    Why must you believe God exists in order to hear Him? Doesn't that strongly imply this 'hearing God' is merely self-persuasion?

    Please share this story in detail. What does 'reached out to me' and 'I listened' mean in concrete terms? Did you have a dream you interpreted as God's communication, for example? Ed Feser (professional philosopher) was persuaded by Thomas Aquinas' logical arguments. I think they rest on...
  7. AetheriusLamia

    If God made us, why do humans need to be taught by other humans how to hear God?

    -- Pacwa, M (2011). How to Listen When God is Speaking. Frederick, MD: The Word Among Us Press. p. 11. Why is this not practically a stand-alone 'proof by contradiction' argument? It needs only a little fleshing out: If God created us for relationship with Him and intends to speak to us, he...
  8. AetheriusLamia

    Please refute the conclusion that Judaism&Christianity are better explained by ancient aliens than Creator God.

    How would you refute this argument? Would you share resources online or citations for further study? All the history and miracles in the Christian Bible (including Hebrew Scriptures, both Old and New Testament) can be explained by aliens with advanced technology who deceived humans, rather than...
  9. AetheriusLamia

    What does it mean to be made in God's image and likeness? How is it not applicable to other species now? Why doesn't my dog refute Aquinas by acting?

    How do you know that? Or, what do you mean? How is that not contradicted already even by what I wrote in the OP? My dog decided to communicate he was tired and ready to return home by stopping, resisting the leash, and angling his body in the direction he wanted to go -- the path home in a...
  10. AetheriusLamia

    What does it mean to be made in God's image and likeness? How is it not applicable to other species now? Why doesn't my dog refute Aquinas by acting?

    -- Pacwa, M (2011). How to Listen When God is Speaking. Frederick, MD: The Word Among Us Press. p. 16. Other animals like DDR German Shepherds (and even other humans) exhibit intelligence suggesting rationality is a matter of degree not kind, that humans are the most advanced intelligence, not...
  11. AetheriusLamia

    Why should we believe the Bible is the result of God speaking truthfully rather than advanced aliens tricking us for our own good?

    -- Pacwa, M (2011). How to Listen When God is Speaking. Frederick, MD: The Word Among Us Press. p. 14. Can't the Bible also be explained by advanced aliens tricking humans? Doesn't this hypothesis contain more explanatory power as it also accounts for God's absence, silence, and refusal to...
  12. AetheriusLamia

    Why must you believe God exists in order to hear Him? Doesn't that strongly imply this 'hearing God' is merely self-persuasion?

    Pacwa, M (2011). How to Listen When God is Speaking. Frederick, MD: The Word Among Us Press. p. 13. I don't need to believe that any physical thing exists before I am able to hear it. How much more should God be able to make himself heard than something lacking omnipotence like a tree falling...
  13. AetheriusLamia

    What is redemption? How is redemptive suffering not an unjust whipping boy?

    I read the first page, and conversation seemed to turn in a direction tangential to my original questions. Following up here to post the answer I came to after reading a bit from Kreeft & Tacelli's Handbook of Catholic Apologetics and meditating on Isaiah 53; a priest and university chaplain...
  14. AetheriusLamia

    What is redemption? How is redemptive suffering not an unjust whipping boy?

    ??? To what are you referring? If it helps: I didn't see the bulk of your post when I posted earlier. It's possible an advertisement pushed page content such that all I saw was your signature and I thought it was your entire post; or else I haven't been here in a long time and the formatting of...
  15. AetheriusLamia

    What is redemption? How is redemptive suffering not an unjust whipping boy?

    I'm trying to learn about reality and follow what is true. I try to be open to any truth I can find. (It is regrettable that so many Protestants have not studied history.)
  16. AetheriusLamia

    What is redemption? How is redemptive suffering not an unjust whipping boy?

    You quote Jeremiah 9:22-23 as if to say I should focus on God rather than theology, on knowing God rather than understanding what Jesus did. Is that what you mean to say? For the sake of completeness, here's NABRE Jeremiah 9:22-23, basically the same as your quotation: Thus says the LORD: Let...
  17. AetheriusLamia

    What is redemption? How is redemptive suffering not an unjust whipping boy?

    St. John Paul II teaches that through our suffering we can share in Jesus' redemptive suffering and thereby help others achieve salvation. J. Sollier defines redemption as either 1) paying a ransom price for sin or 2) atonement for an offense. Together this raises two questions: How is...
  18. AetheriusLamia

    Is male masturbation worse than female masturbation?

    I wish I knew what to say that would be useful for you, so I could avoid saying those things that aren't. Please seriously consider what I say: Those of you who think masturbation isn't intrinsically wrong (disordered, sinful, etc) are simply wrong, as a matter of fact. You're not wrong "in the...
  19. AetheriusLamia

    Is male masturbation worse than female masturbation?

    I didn't include that poll option because it would be false: Masturbation is sinful and gravely disordered. Please read the Catechism of the Catholic Church regarding the sixth commandment for an introduction, or its Compendium (a summary) if you care less about this topic. I expect you don't...
  20. AetheriusLamia

    Is male masturbation worse than female masturbation?

    I'm posting here because it seems the most appropriate place for moral theology: Since Church teaching does not appear clearly defined on this point, it doesn't seem to belong in apologetics. The way I see it, male masturbation is worse because it deliberately wastes seed, whereas with women...