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  1. M

    Share your favorite Christian Quotes

    "He is no fool, who gives what he can not keep, to gain what he can not lose" Jim Elliott "Only one life, will soon be past, Only what's done for Christ, will last". no idea who said first. "If you were on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you." again, no...
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    Evolution, your thoughts

    PastorJim GOOD ANSWER!!!!
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    Evolution, your thoughts

    I do not believe in MACRO EVOLUTION, the basic teaching that NOTHING PLUS NOBODY PLUS TIME BECAME ALL WE SEE. I do believe in micro evolution, since evolution basically means CHANGE. Hey I'm evolving into an old man. I'm one day older then yesterday. I totally disagree with those who say...
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    Struggling to understand

    Dear friend: You have asked many questions that are quite challenging and there are answers to all of them, but I will not attempt to answer them. What I want to do is to suggest some things to help in your search for truth and God because I feel that some of the places your looking will...
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    Where di god come from?

    mOrk, my friend. By definition, evolution is not science. So I am dismissing evolution's theories, not science. But science began with God, scientific laws were created by HIM and HE is not bound by them, but they by HIM.
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    Where di god come from?

    mOrk: The discussion of the validity of evolution belongs in a different catergory. But as I said, evolution has no answers for "where did the physical come from?". Theories are theories, there like noses and ears, we all have one or more. I'll take God's explanation regardless of what...
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    Where di god come from?

    Pastor Jim: Angels are spirits but had a beginning. So being a spirit does not imply no beginning. But I do appreciate your answer though.
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    Where di god come from?

    Dear Friend: You have asked a question that I'm sure millions have asked. The answer will probably not satisfy you but here's my attempt at it. I have put that answer further down because I want to add my two cents and figured you would not get to mine thoughts if they followed the...
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    Why 'fear' God?

    copied from internet, not my words but I agree with this. For the unbeliever, the fear of God is to fear the judgment of God and eternal death, which is eternal separation from God (Luke 12:5; Hebrews 10:31). Matthew 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the...
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    Why so many people don't accept Christianity?

    Are there any people out there who find the claims of Christianity so incredible that they honestly can not bring themselves to accept it? "For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish is foolishness, but unto us who are saved it is the power of God." "Enter ye in at the strait...
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    What about the people who were here before God's plan for salvation?

    The answer to this is easy, God's plan of salvation was before God created people. I personally don't accept the millions of years, but God was before people, and God had the plan in place before people. I Chronicles 28:9 shows how God judges every person: for the LORD searchest ALL hearts...
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    Me, an agnostic, "saved" an atheist?

    Apparently this preacher was preaching the gospel of Jesus Chris-t and this young man on this day was convicted by the Holy Spirit and responded to the Holy Spirit's call to repentance and salvation. This young man was saved by his faith in Jesus Christ, his repentance of sin and his calling...
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    Lack of support from the church?

    I feel your pain, since I have felt the same way at multiple church's. It's amazing how little support children's workers get from PASTORS and the rest. Without going into details, my wife and I had years where we never were in a morning worship service or received communion at our church...
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    Why did your God kill all the animals?

    You might not agree, but God is your God too.
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    Why did your God kill all the animals?

    obviously, since there are still animals. God didn't kill all the humans either. But.... For we know that the WHOLE CREATION groaneth and {travaileth} in pain together until now. Due to the sin of Adam, all of creation that lives, lives under the SAME DEATH SENTENCE. And as it is...
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    Thou Shall Not Kill

    The sixth of the ten commandments reads, “Thou shall not kill.” The New International Version translates it, “Thou shall not murder.” This is more accurate because the Hebrew word so translated does not refer to killing in general but to malicious and unlawful killing. Neither accidental...
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    please help

    with Elijah2 (again). It would not hurt to be baptized again since this time it will mean something more then the first time. but it could be a sign of rededication of life to Lord. I would discuss that with your pastor. But it is not necessary for salvation or even to do again. Backsliding...
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    another question

    with those posts that are saying if you deny the Lord you forfeit your salvation. Apparently they forget about Peter and the other apostles, and if we had been there we also would have denied the Lord. Your salvation is either eternally secured NOW or you are not yet a Christian. It is not...
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    this is getting out of hand

    from Elijah2. Remember: It's FAITH not FEELINGS. It's not unusual for a Christian to question one's own salvation. I think all Christians will at sometime. I pray this constantly: "Lord I believe, help thou my unbelief". DECISION DETERMINES DESTINY
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    A thought for an easy going Creationist

    Dear Friend: Since neither you nor I have experienced a long period of suffering, then neither of us can really say how a person would react, so let's look to some who have experienced long periods without adequate food. Jesus fasted for 40 days and nights and was very hungry when He faced...