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  1. R

    Will I ever get over my anxiety?

    The anxiety's so bad...I'm supposed to go out on the deck every night and pray, and I'm trying to believe in God, but it's difficult. I don't have a lot of faith.
  2. R

    What if my anxiety won't get better unless I'm a good Christian?

    Hi all. I've been suffering from serious anxiety issues for many years. I was raised a Christian, but at this point I don't know what I believe. I'm confused about what the truth is. But anyway... I don't know how many of you believe in prophecy, but one day at church an older girl told me God...
  3. R

    Will Creation Science Ever Be Accepted By Mainstream Scientists?

    Makes me wonder if Kent Hovind is just a con-man who doesn't believe what he says. I've also seen people on Facebook saying that he was arrested BECAUSE he was a creationist and that the tax evasion stuff is bogus. Of course Poe's Law applies here, but if that's the case why isn't Ken Ham or...
  4. R

    Will Creation Science Ever Be Accepted By Mainstream Scientists?

    That's about the size of it. Just realized OP is Seventh-Day Adventist, which requires belief in a literal 7 day creation. That's why Ben Carson is a YEC.
  5. R

    [MOVED] Did Adam and Eve have fight/flight response?

    My other question would be...the Fall caused animals to become carnivores, so why was it only certain animals that became carnivores? It's not an unreasonable question since evolution would explain why certain animals are carnivores and why certain animals are herbivores, just like it explains...
  6. R

    [MOVED] Did Adam and Eve have fight/flight response?

    Sure, go ahead. I'm just saying that there would be no need for a biological response to danger since there were no predators trying to kill Adam and Eve in the Garden. Presumably, since the Garden was perfect, something like a branch falling off of a tree onto Adam's head wouldn't even...
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    [MOVED] Did Adam and Eve have fight/flight response?

    I just think it's strange that sin = carnivores.
  8. R

    Science Says NO to Evolution Theory!

    I'm really not sure how a picture of hominid transitional fossils does not show people that there is something to evolution. Really.
  9. R

    [MOVED] Did Adam and Eve have fight/flight response?

    My point was that fight/flight is a response to danger and in the Garden of Eden there was no danger. Evolution explains the fight/flight because it is a reaction to danger. I mean this brings up a whole bunch of other issues...some animals like lions can ONLY eat meat. So it means that sin...
  10. R

    [MOVED] Did Adam and Eve have fight/flight response?

    Hmm, I guess that's true.
  11. R

    [MOVED] Did Adam and Eve have fight/flight response?

    Now this question may sound weird, but fight/flight is one of those things that is explained through evolution. Now you could say God created life with a fight/flight response, but why would he do that in the no-danger environment of the Garden of Eden? Did he put it into Adam and Eve knowing...
  12. R

    Where is the line with "playing God"?

    A lot of religious people get annoyed at things like stem cell research, research into reversing aging, genetic engineering and it sort of confuses me. Everyone talks about "playing God". Why isn't just treating cancer considered "playing God"? I mean if the idea is that disease came into the...
  13. R

    Does God really *punish* nations based on whether or not they follow Christian values?

    But I'm saying a lot of civilizations have been very successful without being Christian.
  14. R

    Does God really *punish* nations based on whether or not they follow Christian values?

    A lot of people are saying God will punish America because of the legalization of same-sex marriage. My question is..what does this mean in effect? Does this mean that if we go to war our jet fighters will somehow stop working mid-combat? Our guns will jam? Does it mean our economy will...
  15. R

    Hey books that can greatly reduce your anxiety, even cure you.

    I don't say this lightly. I don't even come on these forums that often but I saw this section and had to share with people two books that have helped me see the way out. Basically, the way out of anxiety is acceptance. If you don't care that you are anxious, if you don't care that you are...
  16. R

    Do you think Christianity and evolution are compatible? If so, why? If not, why not?

    Right, but modern humans can not be found in the same fossil layer..... Also, is that how God punishes people for sinning? By making them more apelike? Isn't eternal hellfire enough? How come we never see God turning people more apelike these days? Why aren't there a bunch of H. erectus...
  17. R

    Do you think Christianity and evolution are compatible? If so, why? If not, why not?

    @Mark You may be underestimating the crazy things that can happen from one single gene change. This is all still mysterious to us. Or it doesn't follow common sense that everything that defines what we are is in our DNA. For instance, they just did an experiment with inserting human DNA into...
  18. R

    Do you think Christianity and evolution are compatible? If so, why? If not, why not?

    The problem with the "diseased human hypothesis" (we need an actual term for this) is that that would mean all humans on the Earth were cursed for their sins at the same time. I mean H. erectus is found all over the Old World. Are you prepared to claim that everyone on the planet was cursed for...
  19. R

    Do you think Christianity and evolution are compatible? If so, why? If not, why not?

    I'm not sure how people could look at those fossils and not acknowledge that human beings have changed over time, but meh.
  20. R

    Do you think Christianity and evolution are compatible? If so, why? If not, why not?

    It takes a wise person to acknowledge that they need more information to make a valid opinion. Kudos.