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  1. Citizen of the Kingdom


    You're in the Deeper Fellowship forum now where I'm sure that all will agree with your post. The love story of Christ and the church is found through the whole of the Holy Scriptures! He is the sum of all spiritual things for us.
  2. Citizen of the Kingdom

    Humility and Pride, Please Share your personal thoughts on their Contrast. Discussion, not Debate, please

    Humility can also be a natural trait just as much as pride can be. But in this case they're usually found together even if not outwardly detected by others. Humility must come from the spirit through the Holy Spirit's dealing in the inner person reflecting Christ in that person.
  3. Citizen of the Kingdom

    What are the cheapest filling meals you can make?

    Cabbage used in soups or fried with a bit of sausage is always good. Eggs are good for protein and if you can find some inexpensive cheese to grate for an omelette. Those are both filling.
  4. Citizen of the Kingdom

    An hour with the Beast

    Exactly which is the number 6 x 3. Life according to the flesh, that which has been judged already, should you believe in the accomplished work of Christ. The tree of that knowledge, whether good or bad, is not according to the tree of Life. Living life in the flesh has just one season, endless...
  5. Citizen of the Kingdom

    An hour with the Beast

    When you mentioned the seasons that's what came to mind was the steps of spiritual development. I like the modern implications mentioned in the link. In fact all of it was interesting. The book I have places 21 as the "ultimate spiritual perfection" It also mentions exceeding sinfulness of sin...
  6. Citizen of the Kingdom

    An hour with the Beast

    Depends what you think of days. They could be six meaning man's world that would be minus the Sabbath or the full week which is seven, spiritual perfection. Either way it says the same thing in my opinion.
  7. Citizen of the Kingdom

    An hour with the Beast

    Twelve in Hebrew number value means the establishment of a perfect order which can only come about as a result of divine intervention and can only be maintained by divine governance and supervision. GOVERNMENTAL PERFECTION. Yet Jesus knew that one of them was a devil. John 6:64 One is the...
  8. Citizen of the Kingdom

    Water of Life?

    They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.....
  9. Citizen of the Kingdom

    Water of Life?

    John 6:63,68 the words are rhema the instant and present words iow of the Holy Spirit and not the logos of John 1:1 So He's saying that eating His flesh will profit them nothing but in His resurrection His words will be the manna from heaven. 1 Corinthians 15:45
  10. Citizen of the Kingdom

    Christ bringing the Bride home

    I was relating it more back to the opening post where the bride is seen in white linen but within is ready for judgement until Christ comes in to save. But also in the opening post the focus is not just on the redeeming Christ but also on our Great HIgh Priest who is able to effect the change...
  11. Citizen of the Kingdom

    Christ bringing the Bride home

    The return is God to mankind which was lost at the fall. The last Adam bringing the church that is in Him home.
  12. Citizen of the Kingdom

    Christ bringing the Bride home

    I just wanted to note that the NKJV of Isaiah 45:7 which comes up when you hover over the verse says calamities also. Anyway, I guess that's getting off-topic ....
  13. Citizen of the Kingdom

    Christ bringing the Bride home

    That's not the oneness referred to in this thread. It's about the return of the bride to that which is the plan of God to fulfill His purpose. God doesn't create moral evil. Evil arises from human choices. Other translations say disaster, calamities etc. like what happened when His people...
  14. Citizen of the Kingdom

    Christ bringing the Bride home

    Where to find 3 mysteries explained. ) the mystery of the body of Christ Ephesians 3 ) the mystery of the indwelling of the Spirit Colossians 1, Romans 8, Ephesians 1 ) the mystery of the Bride of Christ Ephesians 5
  15. Citizen of the Kingdom

    Christ bringing the Bride home

    This is another mystery unfolded in the New Testament beside that of Mark 10:8-12 referring again to marriage. Referring to the Jews and Gentiles becoming one Ephesians 2:11-13 verse 14 says He is our shalom, the one who made two into one and broke down the middle wall of separation, within His...
  16. Citizen of the Kingdom

    Christ bringing the Bride home

    No I'm not Catholic. I refer mainly to Christ and the Church as the Bride signified by many verses one being in Ephesians 5:25-27 where the mystery is unfolded of marriage being upheld in Him. 2 Corinthians 11:2 has Paul saying that he betrothed us to one Husband, as a pure virgin in Christ...
  17. Citizen of the Kingdom

    Christ bringing the Bride home

    I often think about the great commission that Paul had in bringing the good news of Christ to the gentiles. His mind was so full of the ordinances in the history of his people, yet he had to set them aside to adjust to his hearers. His job was to fill in the blank of Mars hill monument to the...
  18. Citizen of the Kingdom

    Walk in the Spirit

    God invites us to have a relationship with Him which is in partnership with the Holy Spirit, sharing in His grace, love and fellowship. 2 Corinthians 13:14 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 1 John 1:6-7 If we say that...
  19. Citizen of the Kingdom

    Walk in the Spirit

    When Paul speaks of Christ in Galatians 2:20 as the life Paul lives in the flesh as being not Paul's life but Christ's life that lives within Paul, I believe that IS reconciled to what Jesus says of those who He never knew. The reason for that is also found in Galatians 5:22-23 when Paul listed...