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  1. IceJad

    Female Athletes Sue NCAA for Allowing Transgender Competitors

    You want the doctors to treat you like equally regardless of biological reality?
  2. IceJad

    CNN: Biden pulls from Trump’s immigration playbook in election-year twist

    They can like the position but not the candidate. Isn't Trump running on the same position regarding immigration? When you have 2 guys with the same position on one issue than the differentiator will be other issues. I think conservatives don't like Biden not because immigration itself but the...
  3. IceJad

    CNN: Biden pulls from Trump’s immigration playbook in election-year twist

    By logic people should side with principle. When does logic play a role? What do you think looking at the American political divide now? But what I'm certain now is Trump supporters have all the moral right to call hypocrisy, delivered to them on a silver platter by Biden himself. Like how...
  4. IceJad

    CNN: Biden pulls from Trump’s immigration playbook in election-year twist

    Doesn't appear to be public? Is it even real is the question you should be asking. So you mean to tell me that he order an investigation but there is no proof that the investigation even happened. There is no announcement of an actual conclusive study or anything. Then what was the bill tabled...
  5. IceJad

    CNN: Biden pulls from Trump’s immigration playbook in election-year twist

    And you would be correct. And by implication the people who supported the current position where previously they were morally outraged are hypocrites. Partisanship shaped their morality not the principle of morality itself. That is my position.
  6. IceJad

    CNN: Biden pulls from Trump’s immigration playbook in election-year twist

    I also notice you removed the latter part of my statement where Biden's Tiktok presence didn't seem to be a security concern for a governmental official. If security of foreign control and influence are the main basis of the ban why is he engaging in the very thing that might lead to more of it?
  7. IceJad

    CNN: Biden pulls from Trump’s immigration playbook in election-year twist

    And which report did Biden based his decision on? You said he ordered an investigation right? May I ask for the prove of the report? As far as I know FTC only started their investigation after the bill was passed. So which investigation and report did the initial bill based on? All I get to read...
  8. IceJad

    Questions on Intercession of the Saints

    To be fair the practise of canonizing saints is what causes a lot of the confusion. Because during the days of the apostles' ministries all believers are called to be saints. There is no need for a prove of miracle and a recorded righteous life. The special designation of saint in the more...
  9. IceJad

    CNN: Biden pulls from Trump’s immigration playbook in election-year twist

    You kinda just proved my point. A staunch supporter will always find a way to defend his/her team. Trump did bad but Biden he did it the right way. So right that his campaign team registered for him in TikTok even though he passed a law to force divestment. Yeah he did things the right way. As...
  10. IceJad

    CNN: Biden pulls from Trump’s immigration playbook in election-year twist

    It is not what is being said it is who is saying it. Isn't that politics in America and most of the world. You will never pry an oppies from a staunch BIden supporter nor vise versa from a Trump supporter. Remember when Trump wanted to force a divestment of TikTok by Bytedance and the democrats...
  11. IceJad

    Misbehaving and Unruly Tourist in Japan

    That is quite an ignorant statement. Geisha and Maiko (geisha in training) are actually dressed for work not to show off to tourists. It is a profession not cosplay. They are private citizens who are not paid by the government or the tourists to walk around like a mascot. They are going to work...
  12. IceJad

    Sister with suicidal feelings.

    Lord we pray for LoricaLady's sister. We ask for open doors and clear paths to resolve her apartment issues. We ask for Your protection to be on her in mind, body and soul. Guard her Lord against intrusive and unhealthy thoughts. Ignite in her the joy of Your love once again. And may she walk...
  13. IceJad

    Mother's health

    Our Father in heaven, We come to in prayer for Pop D. mother. We ask for Your healing hands to be upon her. We ask in times of pain and discomfort that You grant her relieve and peace. And by Your mighty hands deliver her from her malaise. For the family we ask for Your Spirit of patience...
  14. IceJad

    Misbehaving and Unruly Tourist in Japan

    There is a big difference between participating in a religious ritual and not using common sense. One is done when required by the proper environment or event. The other hopefully is by default 24/7. Sadly common sense is far from common among the commons. My church bell tolls every Sunday...
  15. IceJad

    Misbehaving and Unruly Tourist in Japan

    So kind of you by being so accommodating to your own needs over others. You'll be the drop of poison in the drinking well for all. May the locals extend the same curtesy and call the police on you. You know how great the Japanese criminal justice is? You'll love it there. 99% conviction rate...
  16. IceJad

    Misbehaving and Unruly Tourist in Japan I can't believe this. Is there a reason tourists can't use an ounce of common sense.
  17. IceJad

    Systemic racism in the USA: Are whites "guiltier" if they had slavery in their past?

    Any why not use these cards as identification during voting? Is it that hard to bring out your driver's license or passport? For us we just show our ID card problem solved. It has a picture of us, current address, ID number and digital finger print in the chip. Don't pass identification don't...
  18. IceJad

    Systemic racism in the USA: Are whites "guiltier" if they had slavery in their past?

    You're assuming an eligible voter voting twice. How are you to control non-citizen enrolling to vote? Do you present a birth cert or any proof of citizenship during enrollment? If that is the case then what the issue on showing that proof again during actual voting?
  19. IceJad

    Systemic racism in the USA: Are whites "guiltier" if they had slavery in their past?

    When it is caught it is the system working. When it is not caught nobody will know the system is not working. Voter ID is just another layer of protection. I have zero idea why anyone would object unless they have other intentions. In my country when they introduced indelible ink in the voting...
  20. IceJad

    Systemic racism in the USA: Are whites "guiltier" if they had slavery in their past?

    You would have to prove that. What laws or societal norms or institution process grant the whitest Protestant skin any benefits? I always see people write this and there are no proof of it. In fact I only see detriment as MSM keep blasting white people for their "racism" and "privilege"...