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  1. Final Blog Entry - Farewell My Dear Brothers And Sisters

    Final Blog Entry - Farewell My Dear Brothers And Sisters

    My earthly birthday is next Thursday, August 24. Although I attended church from the time my mother gave birth to me, I did not become a new creation in Christ until this year (2017). If you would like to "give me a birthday gift" - here is my birthday wish. Please show compassion, mercy...
  2. 1985 August 17 - The Day His Ears Popped Out

    1985 August 17 - The Day His Ears Popped Out

    August 17th is the day that my younger brother's ears popped out. No, he didn't have an earache or ear infection :D It's a Korean expression. The day your ears popped out = your birthday :D:D:D:D August 17th is my brother's birthday....he's already I remember when he was just a...
  3. Younger Brother Daniel C. - Please Keep Him In Your Prayers

    Younger Brother Daniel C. - Please Keep Him In Your Prayers

    My younger brother's 32nd birthday is tomorrow (August 17th). I had dinner with my mother last night. Mom told me that Pastor Kim informed her that my younger brother Daniel C. - (1) Has no hope (no hope in Jesus Christ, no hope in life, feeling hopeless about his future). (2) Is too...
  4. I Changed Church Denominations - Korean Presbyterian To Nazarene

    I Changed Church Denominations - Korean Presbyterian To Nazarene

    Short version I left the Korean Presbyterian mega-church that I was attending because the senior pastor's sermons were putting me to sleep. Before I began worshiping at my Nazarene church on Sundays, I had participated in Wednesday night Bible studies at the Nazarene church. I fell in love with...
  5. Deep South

    Deep South

    In any nation on earth, nationalist views are un-Biblical and un-Christian. The Christian Identity Movement is a name that applies to a variety of different religious cults all identified by racist, anti-Semitic principles. Christian Identity cults are connected by various un-Biblical...
  6. "christian" Churches - Non-trinitarian "christianity"

    "christian" Churches - Non-trinitarian "christianity"

    Are Non-Trinitarian religious groups TRULY part of the universal Christian Church? Can Genuine Christians be Non-Trinitarian? Without a doubt, the un-deniable fact is that Non-Trinitarian religious groups are NOT true members of the universal Christian Church. GENUINE Christians DO NOT...
  7. Cancelled Voter Registration

    Cancelled Voter Registration

    Today, I decided to cancel my voter registration I will mail the Voter Cancellation Form on Monday morning. I decided to cancel my voter registration because my vote (especially in presidential elections) is absolutely meaningless. Plus, I don't want my new address to be public information...
  8. Injustice Should Move The Hearts Of Americans

    Injustice Should Move The Hearts Of Americans

    Connecticut Dad With No Criminal Record, an American Wife and 2 Kids Battles Deportation Order - link to news article Stopping illegal immigration and kicking out “bad hombres” was a central theme of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. In the days after his inauguration, he vowed to rid the...
  9. University Revokes 500 Admission Offers 2 Months Before Start Of Fall Term

    University Revokes 500 Admission Offers 2 Months Before Start Of Fall Term

    This time it's personal....because I graduated from the University of California Irvine (also known as UC Irvine or UCI). Here's the heartbreaking news story....very heartbreaking for the 500 students who might have nowhere to go in August or September (start of Fall semester). UC Irvine Under...
  10. Social Justice Laws

    Social Justice Laws

    If I was king of the United States of America, here are some of the most important laws/decrees that I would enact: - For all homeless people in the United States, provide them with permanent housing and provide them with free meals as well. - Give every low-income American 1,000 dollars per...
  11. Choose Heaven Or Hell

    Choose Heaven Or Hell

    No human is un-redeemable. Overcoming psychopathy is not impossible. Overcoming sociopathy is not impossible. I believe that psychopaths and sociopaths can be saved by Jesus Christ if they truly repent of their sin and sins....and if they trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord...
  12. Moving Out Of My Dad's House (finally!!)

    Moving Out Of My Dad's House (finally!!)

    I know that I have been "complaining" about having to live in my abusive father's house ever since I joined CF. I have been "complaining" about my abusive father for more than one month.... If everything goes well....tomorrow morning I will begin a new chapter in my life.... Tomorrow morning...
  13. People Who Follow Their Own Spirit

    People Who Follow Their Own Spirit

    Woe to the foolish people who follow THEIR OWN spirit. Woe to those who prophesy out of THEIR OWN IMAGINATION. Woe, woe!!
  14. True Church?? Of God Or Of The Devil??

    True Church?? Of God Or Of The Devil??

    Confucianism has melded with Christianity and the Christian Church in South Korea, rather than competing against it. Ancestor Worship and Confucianism in Korea Traditionally - in Korea - ancestor worship has not only been accepted and propagated as a culture, ancestor worship is also...
  15. God Deceived Me

    God Deceived Me

    Personally, I do NOT believe that there is "one person out there for everyone." I do NOT believe that God provides you with "a soulmate." When I was a high school student in the late 1990's, I was FOOLED, MISLED, DECEIVED AND DUPED by the promise of true love that this "Love Letter from God"...
  16. Mother's Retirement Party Was So Much Fun!!!!

    Mother's Retirement Party Was So Much Fun!!!!

    I am thankful to God for my mother. I am thankful to God for allowing my mother to enjoy her retirement party and have so much fun last night I am thankful to God that He allowed my mother to financially support our family for so many years.
  17. 41 Years As A Nurse - Retiring From Job In One Week

    41 Years As A Nurse - Retiring From Job In One Week

    I really respect my mother: raise 3 kids and work as a nurse for 41 years? Being employed as an operating room/surgery nurse is difficult, I imagine.... Being employed as a nurse in the pediatric ward (children's ward) is not easy either. When my mother was working in the pediatric ward, she...
  18. Bible Study & Vietnamese Noodles

    Bible Study & Vietnamese Noodles

    Every Friday, I have one-on-one Bible study/discipleship with my church small group leader. As he is in the process of closing one of his Vietnamese noodle restaurants, there is no Bible study today. However, he said that I could still come to the Vietnamese noodle restaurant near our church...
  19. I Will Look Elsewhere For An Active Online Christian Community

    I Will Look Elsewhere For An Active Online Christian Community

    I have been a member of CF for almost one month now. I plan to look elsewhere for an active online Christian community.... I post a new thread and for 90 minutes, I get no responses.... Certain other members post new threads and quickly get many responses. I am feeling sad and frustrated...
  20. I Made A New Friend Today

    I Made A New Friend Today

    I am happy because I made a new friend today. Today, I have walked almost 7 miles so far. My goal for today is walking 15,000 steps. I have walked 14,800 steps so far....only 200 more steps and I reach my goal. In 2 hours, my relatives and I will go to Asia Buffet to celebrate my...