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  1. jameseb

    Memorable Posts and Quotes

    Just a placeholder for stuff like in the title ^ :) Like this one from Ethnog - cutest thing ever! :D
  2. jameseb

    One of those embarrasing moments...

    I like running. I particularly love running at a nearby lake we call the "Old Mill" (for the Gone With the Wind fans, it's the very same mill you see in the opening of the movie). Unfortunately, a lot of people like running and walking around the lake so one morning I decided to get up before...
  3. jameseb

    My Thoughts on Conformity...

    Though I'd given thought to this issue for years, I'd never formalized those thoughts into words. Recent experience has brought it to the forefront of my mind again and this time I want to record my thoughts on the subject. Every since high school, and in movies, music and literature over the...
  4. jameseb


    I guess during my year-long absence CF not only lost most of my buddies on my FL, but lost my old blogs too... :( Time to start over... in just a bit... well, maybe more than a bit... actually, I think I might go to bed first. ;)
  5. jameseb

    's Blog