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  1. DeaconDean

    Once Saved, Always Saved

    I'm sure this will draw fire, but here goes: Once Saved, Always Saved, But is it Biblical? Not very many doctrines receive as much debate as this one does. Many adhere to it, others do not. There are a few others that will provoke debates even among long time Christians. The Rapture...
  2. DeaconDean

    A study on the Baptist position on Justification

    The following entries are from research I did over the last 7 years. I hope you get some use fromthem. The Doctrine of Justification Restated and Reviewed By DeaconDean The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no...
  3. DeaconDean

    Second entry

    Everyday that I am alive, I am more convinced that I am nothing more than boil on the butt of humanity.
  4. DeaconDean

    A day in my life

    There is the saying that "There is no fool like an old fool". I have come to the conclusion that I am an "old fool". I am an old fool for believing old tyme Baptist beliefs. I was born 300 years too late. I take a beating for my "olde tyme" baptist beliefs. Depressed, I ask myself, why...
  5. DeaconDean

    's Blog