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  1. Andy Broadley

    The Band Room

    Welcome to the Cyber Corps bandroom. :) Sorry it's a bit untidy at the moment, but you know what it's like when you just moved in somewhere. :doh: We've got a bit of a problem though that I hope you all might be able to help with. There are loads of different instruments for the band from...
  2. Andy Broadley

    British Catholics...need your help :)

    Quick heads up to all you British Catholics out there, and especially those who get a copy of the weekly(?) paper Catholic Times. On the front page of the 13th February issue (still the current edition if it is indeed weekly) there was an article called 'Homily thoughts' (or something close to...
  3. Andy Broadley

    Blisters and Blessings - The Hikers Hang Out

    Calling all Hikers, Trekkers, Ramblers, Walkers, or anyone who just enjoys putting one foot in front of another :) Thought I'd create a thread for us to congregate in, chat about where we have walked, where we are planning to walk, or where we would like to walk :thumbsup: A place to talk...
  4. Andy Broadley

    Reilly's CCXXXXII - The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Pub (2)

    This thread was split automatically after 1000 replies and this thread has been automatically created. The old thread automatically closed is here: "Reilly's CCXXXXII - The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Pub"
  5. Andy Broadley

    Reilly's CCXLV - The Harvest Supper (2)

    This thread was split automatically after 1000 replies and this thread has been automatically created. The old thread automatically closed is here: "Reilly's CCXLV - The Harvest Supper"
  6. Andy Broadley

    Reilly's CCXLV - The Harvest Supper

    Hi folks and welcome to Reilly's CCXLV...the 245th edition of Reilly's Pub. Anhelyna wanted a foody theme to this one so here we are....the Reilly's Harvest Supper. So work what you are all gonna bring and lest have us a good feed and some good fellowship as well:) If anyone has some...
  7. Andy Broadley

    Reilly's CCXXXXIV - Somebody prayed for me

    Hi and welcome to waht is the 244th editin of Reilly's Pub:clap: This is very much a step of faith project for me insomuch as, with very few posts remaining in the last Pub, we badly needed a new place...and quickly. Whats more I had no clue whatsoever as to what it should be called or...
  8. Andy Broadley

    Reilly's CCXXXXII - The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Pub

    Hi and welcome to this, the 242nd edition of Reilly's Pub:hug: There are several reasons for choosing this as a theme for the Pub:) Mainly it arose from 2 discussions recently held in ther Pub. In one of them, Haylea said that we should have information available about the history and origins...
  9. Andy Broadley

    Reilly's CCXXXXI - We Are Family

    As we start this new edition of Reilly's Pub, we are at last getting back on track. Haylea has delved deep into the dusty depths of the archive and worked out that this is the 241st edition of the Pub:) The title is paert of a line from one of the Lethal Weapon movies "We're not...
  10. Andy Broadley

    Reilly's CCXXXVI: Journey to the End of the World 2

    Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. - Romans 12:9-10
  11. Andy Broadley

    Reilly's CCXXXVI: Journey to the End of the Universe.

    Welcome all you Hoopy Froods Tired of travelling the length and breadth of the Universe for less that 30 Altarian Dollers a day? Then come on in and have a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster at the 'Reilly's at the end of the Universe'. All the usual facilities you would expect at a Reilly's with...
  12. Andy Broadley

    The Canterbury Alehouse (25) - Another year over, and a new one just begun....

    This thread was split automatically after 1000 replies and this thread has been automatically created. The old thread automatically closed is here: "The Canterbury Alehouse (24) - Another year over, and a new one just begun...."
  13. Andy Broadley

    Couples - How do you share Faith at home?

    OK, calling all you couples out there Do you have shared devotional time together? Is that on a daily basis or less often? What do you do? How long do you spend on average? This is something that Laura and I are trying to make an established part of our day to day lives together. Each of us...
  14. Andy Broadley

    Couples - How do you share Faith together?

    OK, calling all you couples out there Do you have shared devotional time together? Is that on a daily basis or less often? What do you do? How long do you spend on average? This is something that Laura and I are trying to make an established part of our day to day lives together. Each...
  15. Andy Broadley

    The Canterbury Alehouse (24) - There's no place like home

    This thread was split automatically after 1000 replies and this thread has been automatically created. The old thread automatically closed is here: "The Canterbury Alehouse (23) - There's no place like home"
  16. Andy Broadley

    The Canterbury Alehouse (24) - Another year over, and a new one just begun....

    Welcome to the 24th incarnation of the Alehouse:) 2008. Has it really been 8 years since Millenium night?:swoon: All the usual Alehouse facilities available. So, welcome one and all. And remember it's 2008 when you write the date:D
  17. Andy Broadley

    Happy Christmas from Laura & Andy

    Hi everyone :wave: As Laura and I celebrate our first Christmas together we would like to take this opportunity to wish all our dear friends here in OBOB a very very Happy and Blessed Christmas, and a Happy and Healthy 2008.:clap: :clap: This has been a very busy, complicated, difficult...
  18. Andy Broadley

    The Canterbury Alehouse (23) - There's no place like home

    Welcome to the 23rd incarnation of the Alehouse To start our run in to the Christmas period we are having a themed week based on the classic Wizard of Oz That apart, we have all the usual facilities available:) So welcome one and all to the Canterbury Alehouse
  19. Andy Broadley


    Hey Y'all What we doing this year? Somebody usually runs an advent series in here Is anybody gonna do one this year?